Course Content

  • Review of Maxwell's equations (1 Lecture)
  • Solution of Maxwell's equation using Green's function, Jefimenko's solution for Electric and Magnetic field. (3 Lectures)
  • Maxwell Stress-Energy tensor for the electromagnetic field, Poynting vector and conservation laws. (2 Lectures)
  • Need for special relativity, postulates of Special Relativity and concepts of intervals, space time diagram, proper time, Lorentz transformation, application of Lorentz Transformation (length contraction, time dilation, Doppler effect, velocity addition) (7 Lectures)
  • Introduction to four vectors, covariant and contravarient components of Four vectors and their geometric meaning, concept of tensors, action for a free particle, relativistic dynamics. (5 Lectures)


  • Action for the electromagnetic field and its interaction, introduction to electromagnetic field tensor, Maxwell's equation in covariant form, transformation of the electromagnetic fields, conserved quantities in Lorentz transformations, energy momentum tensor in covarient form. (9 Lectures)
  • Four potential of the electromagnetic field, Lienard-Wiechert potential, fields of accelerated point charge, synchrotron and bremsstrahlung radiation, multi-pole expansion of the potential. (5 Lectures)
  • Radiation pattern of electric and magnetic dipoles, linear dipole antenna, antenna array, solving radiation pattern of different antenna configurations with numerical techniques (Fourier transform, finite element analysis). (4 Lectures)