Adventure #2:
Draw a Stream

Hi! I am Hasna the Hydrologist and I'm here to lead the way through Adventure #2!

Today’s adventure consists of investigating the streams around us. You’ll learn specifically about the three different types of streams. Not all streams are the same. Hydrologists had to come up with some way to divide them into different groups based on how the streams behave. It turns out streams can tell us a lot about the world around us!

When you think of a stream, what do you imagine?

Imagine what you think a stream looks like. Close your eyes to picture the stream.

  • Is it big or small?

  • Is it flowing fast or slow?

  • Are there trees around?

  • What do you see, hear and smell?

  • How much water is there?

  • Are there animals?

Draw a picture of a stream in your Field Journal. Add notes about the details in your drawing or on the next page. What are some of the most important details in your drawing?

And remember, draw like a scientist, a stream isn't just a blue squiggly line.

Finished with your drawing? Great!

Answer the sentence stems below in your Field Journal. Make sure to fill it out honestly, and don't worry; you don't have to share it with others if you don't want to!

Sentence Stems:

  • I drew...because...

  • There are ... around

  • I drew it with ...

  • There are .... in the stream because...

  • I think that a stream is...

  • My stream looks like this because...

  • My stream is (adjective) because...

Great Job! Now it's time to learn some new things about streams! Click the button below to continue the Adventure.