Your Health

is in

Your Hands

An Exploration of Photography Highlighting COVID-19

My name is Amelie and I have chosen photography as my Final X topic. I chose photography because I feel as though through an image I can express myself in my own unique way and because I am passionate about photography. All photos that are included in this webpage and my Photobook are images that I have taken. It is my intention that my photos help raise awareness about COVID-19 in developing countries.

Never before has humanity witnessed an infectious respiratory disease like COVID-19. This disease has caused so much human suffering and death and now has become so severe that countries are going into complete lockdown and closing borders. Despite this, COVID-19 can be contained if the world creates an effective response strategy. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 by limiting and then stopping chains of transmission is feasible. This should be the top priority for all countries wanting to prevent the spread of the disease. This virus can be stopped, but it will take the whole world to work in unison to defeat it. It is the world against the virus.

This photo represents the importance of hand hygiene during a pandemic

This photo represents school closure in Tanzania as a means of physical distancing

This photo represents the importance of face masks to stop transmission of the virus