"‏مَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَلْتَمِسُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا سَهَّلَ اللَّهُ لَهُ طَرِيقًا إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ "‏ ‏

."Whoever takes a path upon which to obtain knowledge, Allah makes the path to Paradise easy for him"


Assalamu Alaikum السَّلام عَليكُم

It's my pleasure to welcome you in our school. I am looking for a wonderful productive year for all of us. I always remember that the one mile walk starts with one step. Let us take that step together.

I would like to welcome all our returning students and parents as well as the new ones. I am very excited to be part of your child's teaching team. I am looking forward to a year of learning and success.