Students are expected to complete one spelling activity each day that they are in English class. Here are the activities for Quarter 2:

  • Monday- Colorful Words: Write your words. Then use two different color pens to trace the letters using one color to write consonants and the other for the vowels

  • Tuesday- Practice reading your words fluently and CHOOSE ONE ACTIVITY:

    • Good Clean Fun: Use your finger to write your words in shaving cream, salt, or sand on a cookie sheet.

    • Cheer your words and act it out: Make up arm movements to spell and then show how to act it out.


    • Trace Around: Write your spelling words neatly. Take a colored pen and draw an outline around the word, closely following the shapes of the letters.

    • Rhyming: Write your words then write at least one word that rhymes with that word. Then practice reading them fluently. Also, practice writing your sentences.

  • Thursday- Practice Test: Have an adult give you a practice test on your words and sentences.

We use the Epic! app daily in English class. This allows students listen to books being read to them or they can read to themselves. This is an app that can be purchased on iPhones, iPads, and Kindles. It doesn't cost anything to download, but you do have to pay for a subscription. But it is WORTH IT! There are hundreds of books all at different levels. My students absolutely love it. It allows for them to pick books that they are interested or that go along with the curriculum. There is a variety of ways to read the book too, such as, read to self, audiobook, and read to me. Many books end with a comprehension quiz that allows students to apply what they learned. If you have any questions, please let me know.

If you do download the Epic! app, our class code is:
