Grade One Class Information

Grade One Weekly Schedule (To Download)

Here is Grade One's weekly timetable.

Grade One P.E. Days

Please note that Grade One has Physical Education every Tuesday and Friday. Children should attend school on those days in their P.E. kits which they wear all day.


Children should come to school with the items on the supply list. These items should be clearly marked with your child’s name and grade.

Library Bags

Please ensure your child has the ISN library bag which your child will require for all library lessons. The bags will require a clear label with your child’s name and grade on it. The bags will protect the books and make it easier for your child to take care of school library books.

They are available for Euro 10 at the front desk. Please ensure your child has their library bag on library days or they will not be able to check books out.


As it will remain quite hot for a few weeks to come, please remember to send sunscreen and caps with your child.

Please ensure that any clothing such as jumpers, cardigans, hats, scarves and gloves are clearly labelled with your child's name and grade.

Indoor Shoes

Please ensure your child comes to school with a pair of indoor shoes into which they will change into on wet days. We recommend indoor shoes which are easy to put on and off, have a rubber base and be comfortable to wear.

Healthy snacks

We encourage students to bring a healthy snack to school such as fruit, dried fruit, crackers, cheese, muesli bars etc. We do not want students eating high sugary and junk foods at break time.

Nut Free

As we have several children with allergy concerns, nuts (peanut butter) are not allowed in school.


Children should bring in a refillable water bottle every day.

Grade One Swimming

Towards the end of the academic year, Grade One will have the opportunity to go swimming. The scheduled dates are as follows:

  • Thursday 4th April 2019
  • Thursday 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd May 2019
  • Thursday 6th & 13th June 2019

More information to follow closer to the time.