Power and Yard Tools


Tools do the work for you

Useful quality tools can be a significant investment, but they will last longer and return the favor if you take good care of them. Making sure your devices are properly stored, cleaned, and well maintained will save you time and money, as well as making your projects and jobs much more comfortable.

They need a little care too!

In a perfect world you should thoroughly clean and lubricate your tools after every use. Who does that? Most people use and abuse their tools, store them improperly, and never think about the damage they could be doing to the lifespan of their tools.

Why not let us do it for you? After a big job or maybe once a year we can pick up tools you need cleaned and serviced, and bring them back to you as close to new as possible. This will not only keep your tools working longer but also help them work stronger. If there is something not quite right with your tool we will do our best to make it work correctly again.

Power/Yard Tool Cleaning/Service

Starting at $25

priced by service time necessary

All Repairs include Service at no additional charge

Repairs quoted after free estimate at hourly labor rate + parts

All Repairs include Service at no additional charge

Repairs quoted after free estimate at hourly labor rate + parts

We service most major brands of Power and Yard Tools!

(Parts by availability)