
Mel – Alex Hannah Alice Caitlin Cheryl

What's On This Week?

We hope you are all safe and well. See below for information about how Rimurimu students will take part in distance learning each week.

We look forward to seeing students at 11 am on Mondays and Wednesdays for connection time in Guardian Groups!

Or you can email us, mel@islandbay.school.nz, alex@islandbay.school.nz, alice@islandbay.school.nz, and caitlin@islandbay.school.nz and we will get back to you.

Connection Time Zoom Links (Monday + Wednesday)

Alex: https://islandbay.zoom.us/j/85743294555
(Meeting ID:
857 4329 4555)

Caitlin + Alice (Ashleigh GG): https://islandbay.zoom.us/j/82167717274
(Meeting ID: 821 6771 7274)

Mel: https://islandbay.zoom.us/j/88972555595
(Meeting ID: 889 7255 5595)

Workshop Zoom Links (Monday – Thursday)

Workshop Zoom Link #1: https://islandbay.zoom.us/j/86972394105
(Meeting ID: 869 7239 4105)

Workshop Zoom Link #2: https://islandbay.zoom.us/j/82700581064
(Meeting ID: 827 0058 1064)

Please note: for security reasons, the passcode for all Zoom sessions cannot be published on this page - you should have received this information via email.

Weekly Plan

Rimurimu timetable

Zoom Codes

Students should not create a Zoom account as they are under 16. They will be able to join Zoom sessions as guests with the codes they have been given by their teachers - as long as they have Zoom downloaded (e.g. as an app).

If you know your child has created a Zoom account using their Island Bay account, please delete the account.

Zoom codes remain the same for the duration of distance learning. Zoom links are linked off the timetable shared on this site.

Passwords for sessions have been emailed to you and are to be kept private.

Click the teacher's 'Zoom Room' that you are going to. If your child would like help while working on self-directed learning, please connect with your GG teacher.

We suggest you keep this code safe, do not share it with anyone outside of your guardian group.

As we use a waiting room, please feel free to arrive a couple of minutes before your Zoom session is about to start.

If you need any help, contact your child's GG teacher, Jacqui or Caitlin and they will be happy to help.

Weekly Checklist

Here is some learning for you to do at home.

Please don’t try to do this all in one day - it is designed to be for you to do over ONE WEEK. We know that this is an unusual time for everyone. This learning is designed for you to do when you can or if you can. Our suggested timings are just a guide for you.

We would love you to read every day and then choose at least one other activity from the Checklist (which includes Seesaw Activities)

You will be shared the weekly checklist in Seesaw each week, and at the end of the week, you can mark off what you've done and post to Seesaw for us to see. If you feel like it, we would also love you to share any other learning or challenges you have completed.

Rimurimu Checklist

Switch It Off

Copy of 2021 Switch it Off Challenges - google site

Distance Learning Explained:
Important Information for Parents

Rimurimu Distance Learning Comms

Useful Links

Further Information

Seesaw Explained

Students are used to using Seesaw to drive their self-directed learning time. Their learning tasks will be posted on Seesaw for them to be working on during their self-directed learning time. Each task will have associated teaching attached and any expectations.

During self-directed learning time, your child will check their ‘Weekly Checklist' to see what learning could be completed. Depending on the task, learning can be completed digitally or on a hard copy with a picture added to Seesaw. Teachers will provide feedback/comments to children.

Zoom Explained

Zoom Guidelines

Teachers will schedule online lessons with students every day. Here are some student guidelines for participating in online lessons using Zoom. Zoom codes remain the same for the duration of distance learning. Student should not create a Zoom account as they are under 18. They will be able to join Zoom sessions as guests with the codes they have been given by their teachers - as long as they have Zoom downloaded (e.g. as an app).

  1. Before you connect, check your email, or Google Classroom for any resources that you might need for the session.

  2. Let a family member know that you will be talking online with your teacher and hub-mates.

  3. Be positive, respectful and safe with your behaviour and communication online (just like you are in a real classroom).

  4. Before entering your Zoom meeting, mute your microphone. All chats on zoom will be controlled by the teacher/s. If the teacher wishes to have a discussion, microphones can be turned on.

  5. Zoom is not to be used to connect with friends. It is a school tool only to be used with your teacher.

  6. You can ask additional questions with the chat feature. However, these will be public to the group and controlled by the host (teachers).

  7. Do not take any screenshots or recordings to share with others or on social media - this breaches Island Bay School’s Digital Learner Agreements.

  8. Stay in the Zoom class for the entire session or until requested by your teacher to leave. When online, students must be in family/public spaces

How to download and connect to an online meeting via Zoom?

On a computer:

  • Use this link to download Zoom. Follow prompts to install.

On an iPad or Tablet:

  • Download the Zoom App from the iOS App Store or Google Play store (or follow the links from here).

Once you have Zoom installed and have received Zoom session times and links from your teachers, you just open Zoom and join the session/meeting at the scheduled time using the password provided.

Reading Explained

With limited access to new books now, there are some online resources where students are able to find children’s reading material - non-fiction, fiction and audiobooks. We intend on using Epic during Lockdown (see the Distance Learning Explained slide for more information). We recommend students read at least half an hour a day.

In addition to Epic, you could look at Oxford Owl and ReadTheory as alternative platforms.

If your child is building reading fluency, we suggest that you read a book each day together on Epic - a cloud-based reading resource.