Segundo Grado

Second Grade is a great year to consolidate the knowledge that they acquiered last year and improve some other music aspects. The main goals are:

  • Singing songs in Spanish so that they are in tune and they learn spanish. Songs as: "Tengo, tengo, tengo", "La rana", "Uno, dos", o "Estando el señor Don Gato", "Do, Re, Mi"
  • Body percussion: Using numbers they will learn body percussion. I use the words "Pre-pa-ro-y" as the cue to start. Numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8, utilizando la introducción: "Pre - pa - ro - y". Between every number we use a time gap. At the end of the year we will join some numbers, not using the gap, so that we can create more complex rhythms.
  • Lear musical figures: Negras (TA - quarter notes), los silencios de negra (SH or HUM - quarter rests), dobles corcheas (TITI - two eight notes) combinating them in different possibilites, individually and in groups.
  • They learn the name of the notes in both languages going up and down (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si and C, D, E, F, G, A, B) and in songs so that they start relating the pitch with the name of the notes.
  • We use Keyboard/Staff Boards with markers in order to understand where those notes are in the piano/xylophone. We start to write quarter notes on the staff (on the lines or between the lines) and quarter rests.
  • We play with different percussion instrument, mainly maracas, rattles color tubes and xylophones.
  • They start learning how to play an Ukelele