“What if schools could offer teachers both shared professional learning experiences and personalized learning opportunities where participants are not just consumers but also producers, co-constructing exceptional instructional designs together. Envisioning the future of personalized professional learning requires that we strip away antiquated notions of one-size-fits-all, "sit-and-get" professional development, but it also demands more than just teacher voice and choice. Truly empowering teachers through personalized professional learning requires us to reimagine the time-space continuum of learning and envision one which isn't bound by school hours and district buildings. Teachers don't want to be passive receivers of "best practices," but co-designers on a journey of professional self-discovery.”

--Allison Rodman “Learning Together, Learning on Their Own” Educational Leadership Nov. 2018


The SEA MS Literacy Collaborative is an annual regional gathering of MS Language Arts teachers to improve Reader's and Writer's Workshop practices and develop a collaborative network outside of our own schools.Site-based professional learning led by teachers, for teachers to improve Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop practices in our respective schools


When teachers to learn from one another, and in an embedded way that promotes collaboration, dialogue, cognitive discourse, cross-pollination of ideas, and hands-on opportunities for growth, learning makes a deep impact. This model is designed to leverage the expertise and knowledge present in each of our teams and school environments for even greater student learning.


Middle School Language Arts (Humanities) teachers from

  • International School of Kuala Lumpur
  • International School of Manila
  • International School of Bangkok


Each year, a group of teachers from our schools will gather for two days of structured conversations and lab sites around a chosen aspect of Reader’s and/or Writer’s workshop.


Thursday and Friday, January 30-31, 2020


Each school will host the Collaborative on a 3-year rotating schedule.

  • 2019-2020: ISKL
  • 2020-2021: ISM or ISB
  • 2021-2022: ISM or ISB