

This is a list of open data banks. This means the data was collected by researchers for their studies and they gave permissions for others to use it. These are raw datasets for people who need to use them as a secondary source. 

For students writing an EE in Science, Economics, Business, World Studies, Math, and Geography, these resources may be particularly useful.

Mandarin Databases

Please access this link for a list of content in Mandarin. If you found an article of interest, please contact Ms Lin for accessing the full article.

Extended Essay - Year 1 (Class of 2024)
Getting to a First Draft 

Semester 1 Materials

Introduction to the EE and Choosing a Topic

(PPT - Lesson 1 for students)

The Nature of Research 

(PPT - Lesson 2 for students

Assessment | Reflection | Next steps in the RQ Development (PPT - Lesson 3 for students)

Research plan | Proper Documentation and Academic Integrity | Notetaking (PPT - Lesson 4 for students)

Semester 2 Materials

Extended Essay - Year 2 (Class of 2023)
Final Submission