IASAS Season One Fun Runs

A Race for Everyone!

Last Chance to Enter - November 9th!

IASAS Schools

Since we cannot come together and run a competitive 5k against each other, we decided to come together as a community and compete against the other schools on not only Running . . . But also build Community Spirit!


See the description of the races below for all the details.

Cross Country Team Race

πŸ…1 point for each of the Top 5 Fastest times of the Boys and Girls runners - On Campus

πŸ…1 point for Top 3 Most Creative Team Photo - Picture or Video Needed

Coaches, Families, Alumni, and Faculty

Coaches Races:

πŸ…1 point for each of the Top 3 Fastest times of a Coach

Family Races: - Must Finish Together

πŸ…1 point for Top 3 Fastest times by Siblings

πŸ…1 point for Top 3 Fastest times by Student and Parent

School Participation Race:

πŸ…1 point for the School with the most Students who logged their 5k

πŸ…1 point for the School with the most Parents who logged their 5k

πŸ…1 point for the School with the most Teachers who logged their 5k

πŸ…1 point for the School with the most Alums who logged their 5k

Asynchronous Students

Individual Student Races:

πŸ…1 point for each of the Top 2 Fastest times of the Boys and Girls runners - Off Campus

πŸ…1 point for Top 5 Farthest away from their school - Judged in Miles - Picture or Video Needed

πŸ…1 point for Top 3 Most Creative Location for the 5k - Picture or Video Needed

πŸ…1pt for Top 3 Most Creative Costume while running the 5k - Picture or Video Needed

πŸ…1 point for the most entries of Boys and Girls runners - Off Campus