
Create - Plan

To keep the seed containment capacity at the same volume as the Hollow Jembe design, the diameter was increased, because the attachment had to be shortened to prevent impediment of use. The tube could be no more than 200mm tall, meaning it would have to have a diameter of around 50mm to keep the volume similar.

Originally, materials for this project would have to be ones that could be easily found by the layperson and also easily moulded and shaped using at-home materials. This led to an overall structure of PVC piping, with the tension created by a Bladda strip. However, as the project progressed, it was realised it was too complex to be constructed by a layperson. Eventually, it was switched to 3D Printing, and then to Injection Moulding.

Create - Build

The following are the first 4 constructions of the Jembe Attachment. The development of them will be discussed in the Evaluate Stage.