I International Congress on Artificial Intelligence and Education

Teaching in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence

July 1-2 - Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Hybrid

🇪🇸 Spanish version

Call for papers

Topics of interest:

We request contributions on all topics related to Generative AI in Education, focused on (but not limited to) the following list:


Accepted works will be publish in the conference proceedings.


We will accept works in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English. Papers must have a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8, including summary, keywords, introduction, methodological approach, results, conclusions and references. The format of the works must be according to the following template:

Download Word template

Papers will be sent to three members of the Program Committee to be reviewed based on originality, technical quality, potential impact, insight, depth, clarity and reproducibility. All accepted articles will be included in the conference proceedings, provided that at least one of the authors attends to present the work (either in person or virtually).

Importan dates:

Paper submission: March 15, 2024

Notification to authors: April 30, 2024

Conference: July 1-2, 2024


For questions or additional information, contact: ciiae@isistan.unicen.edu.ar

Place and Date

 July 1-2, 2024

Tandil, Argentina - Hybrid