ISHCMC - Safeguarding

Safeguarding & Child Protection

We expect all individuals and groups affiliated with the school community to act with integrity and to take responsibility for keeping students safe. Whether they are a staff member, a service or activity partner, a volunteer, intern, contractor, guest, parent or visitor, it is our expectation that they will support our students and act with their well being in mind at all times.

Children’s and young people’s concerns are at the center of our Safeguarding Policy and their views will be taken seriously if they seek help from a member of our staff. However, staff cannot guarantee confidentiality if concerns are such that a referral must be made to the appropriate agency or agencies in order to safeguard the child’s wellbeing. If we have concerns about a child’s physical, sexual or emotional wellbeing, or that they are being neglected, the school will take appropriate action.

There are occasions that our concern about a child may mean that we need to consult other agencies. We always aim to work in partnership with parents to ensure that the appropriate support and interventions are in place to support the child. We work hard to establish positive relationships with professionals outside of ISHCMC who can offer specialist support.

All staff have received regular training and updates on their professional responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection at a Cognita group level.

Safer Recruitment

ISHCMC is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers, and other third parties to share this commitment. Stringent safer recruitment practices and pre-employment background checks are undertaken before any appointment is confirmed. All adults who work with our students, including visiting professionals, are appropriately checked and /or supervised.


We welcome parents, families, and visitors to our school. However, access to the school site is closely monitored, with a 24-hour security presence and over 60 cameras recording 24 hours a day. Our sign-in system and color-coded lanyard system ensure that we can easily identify adults on site.

Trips & Visits

We have an extensive after-school, trips, and visits program, which allows our students to take their learning outside of the classroom. All activities are risk assessed, and health and safety is always our priority.

Download an overview of our Safeguarding policy here: