Making the right choices with social media, it's not just your space

The evolution of Social Media

Social media has become ubiquitous in many people's lives, but it's only really been around for 20 years. The evolution has been rapid. Some people have become extremely wealthy and some people have found it extremely powerful for influence.

So how did we get here?

Being social

Do and Don'ts of social media

Once your image is on the internet, there is no controlling where it will go or how it will be used.

Do you ask permission before you post images of friends?

Text manners!

It's easy to send a quick message, but do you always think about how it could be read?

Social Media Safety tips

General tips on using social media wisely.

Data management and privacy

How much are you sharing when you "check in"

Watch how quickly a seemingly innocent check in can collect your data.

Facebook data collection

Instagram data collection

Your Photo your fate

Once your image is on the internet, there is no controlling where it will go or how it will be used.

Do you ask permission before you post images of friends?