Global Missions

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About me

Heather Spanbroek is a dedicated professional in the field of international education, boasting a remarkable career spanning over two decades. 

Heather Spanbroek's lifelong ambition extends beyond her impressive professional achievements. At the core of her mission lies a deep commitment to empowering both students and teachers, fostering an environment where they have ownership over their own learning journeys.

Recognizing the transformative potential of education, Heather has tirelessly championed the cause of student and teacher empowerment. She believes that when students and educators are given the tools, resources, and autonomy to shape their educational experiences, a powerful paradigm shift occurs. This shift is marked by increased engagement, enthusiasm for learning, and a sense of ownership that transcends traditional educational structures.

Heather's advocacy for empowering students and teachers is not merely theoretical; it's a guiding principle that permeates her work. As a Google Educator, innovator, and trainer, she actively integrates technology into educational practices, creating dynamic and interactive learning environments. By doing so, she strives to equip both students and teachers with the skills and confidence to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education.

Through her role as a Certified Educator for the International Society of Technology Education (ISTE), Heather extends her influence to a global scale. She seeks to inspire a culture of continuous learning, where individuals are not just recipients of knowledge but active participants in their educational journeys.

Heather's commitment to empowerment goes hand in hand with her belief in the transformative power of education. By instilling a sense of ownership over learning, she envisions a future where students and teachers alike are not just prepared for the challenges of tomorrow but are actively shaping the landscape of education for generations to come. Heather Spanbroek stands as a beacon for those who share her vision of an empowered, engaged, and enthusiastic community of learners.

Beyond her professional achievements, Heather finds fulfillment in her personal life. She is a loving wife to her wonderful husband and a devoted mother to three small children. Family is a cornerstone of her life, and she cherishes the moments spent on long walks and travels with her loved ones. These experiences not only contribute to her personal well-being but also serve as opportunities for creating lasting memories.

Heather's journey is marked by a harmonious blend of professional success and a fulfilling family life. As she continues to make strides in the field of international education and technology, her dedication to both her career and her family stands as a testament to her multifaceted and enriching life.

Current employment

International School Eindhoven
