Why Now?

long-range planning

Dating back to 2000, the District has been managing debt to provide an opportunity to reinvest in the School District's buildings in 2020. The existing debt (in red) is set to be paid off in two phases. The first is at the end of calendar year 2019 and the second is at the end of calendar year 2024. This repayment schedule provides significant opportunity for the School District and Community to address current and future facility needs now.

When considering the debt repayment schedule and the facility planning activities dating back to 2017, the District decided to contract with Schools Perceptions to determine the level of support in the community to implement our facility improvement plan. This survey was constructed to identify the level of support for specific project elements aligned with school district needs and community priorities. Finally, the last portion of the survey allowed community members to determine what level of investment they would support based on tax impact. The full Schools Perceptions report can be found here.

Recently, the School District received a review of credit from Moody's Investors Services, Inc. The result of this review was an upgraded credit rating based on the improved fund balance position and overall financial health of the school district. This upgrade will allow the school district to borrow money at a lower interest rate.