2023 Summer Sessions

Welcome to your Summer of Learning 2023 opportunities!

Below you will find the list of all of your possible sessions you can take part in to help grow your skills and improve student learning. Some sessions will be asynchronous (self-paced), and some will be blended (some self paced and some all together). Details for all of the sessions are below. All sessions will be either half day or full day of professional development, unless you choose to get Google Certified, those are unique.

  A few things to note:

Asynchronous Learning Sessions

This summer, you will have the option to take either a 1/2 day collection of personalized learning mini courses or a few days of self-directed online courses aimed at transforming both the culture and practice in the classroom.  Completion of the multi-day courses will result in you receiving a Google Educator or Trainer certification. These are expected to take approximately 15 hours to complete in their entirety, or the equivalent of one college credit.  Participants can determine the pace of the course, working on each lesson when and where it works for them.

As always, we are here to support you in anyway we can.  Let us know how we can help. Once you've completed the registration form you'll receive an email on June 5th giving you access to your course(s) and directions for completion.

Personalized Learning: Mini Sessions

Welcome to Personalized Learning. You'll get to learn about how elements of games can add engagement into your class, how you can let students adjust the pace of their learning and how to use effective student grouping to improve student learning.  With that in mind, during these sessions you'll have control over:

This will be a half day of PD.

Student Learning with Google & Edpuzzle

Learn how Edpuzzle, Google Classroom and other Google Tools can work together to create wonderful learning experience for your students. This session will show you ways to:

This will be a half day of PD.

Transform Student Learning with Seesaw!

Seesaw is a powerful and versatile digital tool that allows students to create and share their work in a safe and secure online environment. This session will show you ways to use it to:

You will also have time to put these new skills into action in your Seesaw classroom!

This will be a half day of PD.

You will be invited to an online community via Google Classroom after registering for this course.

Google Educator Level I: Fundamentals Training

Access the online course: Training Center

Welcome to Fundamentals training. By reading, watching videos, and doing activities, you’ll learn how to integrate Google in your classroom. For educators who are new to Google tools, this course will teach you the best strategies for integrating Google in your classroom.

You can start and stop lessons at any time; Google will track your progress through the course. At the end of this course, you'll be ready to register for and take the exam to become a Google Certified Educator Level 1!

This will be worth 2 days of PD or Board Credit based on your contract.

Google Educator Level II: Advanced Training

Access the online course: Training Center

Welcome to Advanced training. By reading, watching videos, and doing activities, you’ll learn cutting-edge strategies for integrating Google in your classroom. Moving beyond fundamentals, this advanced course teaches cutting-edge strategies for integrating Google in your classroom.

You can start and stop lessons at any time; we'll track your progress through the course. At the end of this course, you'll be ready to register for and take the exam to become a Google Certified Educator Level 2!

This will be worth 2 days of PD or Board Credit based on your contract.

You will be invited to an online community via Google Classroom after registering for this course.

You will be invited to an online community via Google Classroom after registering for this course.

Google Certified Trainer Course

Access the online course: Training Center

Improve your skills as a trainer as you learn to create and deliver inspiring training sessions on Google tools.

In order to prepare for this application, you will be taken through the Trainer Course in the link aboveWe want educators to experience how Google tools can change the way they teach, which is why our Trainer Course covers in-depth information on Google for Education, including our educator Fundamentals and Advanced courses.

This will be worth 2 days of PD or Board Credit based on your contract.

Blended Learning Sessions

This summer, you will have the option to take a couple sessions that will have components that are done at your own pace and part that we will do together, ideally in person, but can be done over Google Meet if needed. Get ready to see all the pieces you need shown to you in a unique and fun way that will allow you to think outside the box for your own classroom. 

How to use AI tools (Ex: Chat GPT) in your classroom

Get ready for a gamified and blended* course on AI that will leave you rethinking the way we teach our students.

Synchronous parts available on either July 25 at 10am or August 10th at 1pm.

Come learn and talk about:

and more!

This will be a half day of PD. 

*The self paced part must be complete before coming to the synchronous part of the session.

The Shift to Student-Led "Book Study"

Get ready for a blended* book study like you've never seen before. One where we'll journey down into the darkness of the overworked teacher and come out the tunnel into the light of the day where our students are self aware expert learners. 

Synchronous parts available on either July 27 at 10am or August 8th at 1pm.

Come learn and talk about:

and more!

If you sign up for this session you will be sent a copy of the book. 

This will be a full day of PD. 

*The self paced part must be complete before coming to the synchronous part of the session.

Something Else?

If there is something else you're really wanting to dig into and need some help doing that you think will be equivalent to a half day's worth of time, email Patrick and we'll see what we can do! 
