3rd Grade

Distance Learning Site

3rd Grade Distance Learning Site Video Tutorial

Structure for Distance Learning:

Below is the daily schedule for the distance learning day at home. This schedule will accomplish what the Kids would be doing on a typical day in school. We would like the Kids to follow this routine the best they can, so we can help them during our teacher work day. But, we also understand that you may not be available to help them during their independent work time, so have them do the independent work when it best fits your home schedule. We do ask that the Kids are at every live lesson, and please contact your Child's teacher, if they will be unable to attend the live lesson on a particular day. If the Kids have any issues with their chromebooks, please contact Judy Gebhardt at 952-758-1575.

The morning block will mainly be live video lessons with your teacher; and working on activities in math and reading. A live video lesson will also take place with the specialist for that particular day. The afternoon block will be mainly independent work, with support (if needed) from your child's teacher. There will be no whole class live video lessons, but the teachers will be able to meet live with a smaller group or individual student. Teachers will be also available to answer emails with questions in the afternoon.

Distance Learning Schedule is 9:15-3:45

Morning Block (Live Lessons)

  • 9:15-10:05-Reading Lesson (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 9:15). Live lesson will usually end at 9:35, and some Kids will stay in for individual instruction, some Kids will begin independent reading by following the reading grid activity found on this website.

  • 10:05-10:55-Specialist (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 10:05). The specialist will provide a short live lesson to the Kids and then have them work on the lesson activity independently. Each specialist will stay in the live google meet to answer questions and support the Kids with the activity.

  • 10:55-12:00-Math Lesson (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 11:00). Live lesson will usually end at 11:30, some Kids will stay in for individual instruction, some Kids will begin independent math by following the math grid activity found on this website.

  • 12:00-1:00-Lunch and Recess. Kids have a break to eat lunch and get some exercise.

Afternoon Block (Independent work and teacher support lessons)

  • 1:00-1:30-Writing Activity (independent work). Kids will go to the writing learning grid on this website. They will watch the writing video and then do the writing activity in their writing notebooks. Please contact your Child's teacher with any questions.

  • 1:30-2:00-Independent Reading (independent work). Kids will have an activity to go with their reading.

  • 2:00-215-Brain Break and Snack-Kids can get some exercise or have a snack

  • 2:15-3:00-Science/Social Studies/Health Activity-Kids will go to the science/social studies/health learning grid on this website. They will complete the learning grid activities. Please contact your Child's teacher with any questions.

  • 3:00-3:15-Typing Lesson-Kids will go to typing.com and complete the next lesson in their program. Please have your Child focus on the lesson and not the games.

  • 3:15-3:45-Work Time or Enrichment Time-This time will allow Kids to catch up with any work they didn't complete. It will also give the Kids that are done with their work, the opportunity to challenge themselves with enrichment activities. The Kids can find the enrichment activities on the Enrichment learning link (this is a month worth of activities) at the bottom of this website. Enrichment activities are optional, but we encourage the Kids to do them if they are getting done with their work early.

*The other activities and resources on the site are for families and students who need extra practice or are looking to fill additional time. If things do not get turned in or completed it's not the end of the world. Life happens just communicate with your child's teacher so they are aware.*

Early Release Wednesday Schedule

(Starts Wednesday, December 2nd)

Distance Learning Schedule is 9:15-1:45

9:15-9:50-Reading Lesson (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 9:15).

9:50-10:20-Specialist (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 9:50).

10:20-11:20-Math Lesson (Kids need to be in the live google meet at 10:20).

11:20-11:50-Writing Lesson (go to the learning grid on the distance learning website)

11:50-12:05-Typing (go to typing.com and either continue with the lesson or you may play the game)

12:05-12:45-Lunch and Recess. Kids have a break to eat lunch and get some exercise.

12:45-1:15-Independent Reading (independent work). Go to the learning grid on the distance learning website.

1:15-1:45-Science/Social Studies/Health (independent work). Go to the learning grid on the distance learning website.

1:45-School day ends.

Reading- Week 18
Math- Week 18

Lunch & Recess


Writing- Week 18
Grammar-Week 18

Brain Break & Snack


Science/Social/Health - Week 18

Typing.com Lessons



Work Time & Enrichment


Contact Information