Season Finale

For the Season Finale of Real Talk, I've taken over! That's right, Mrs. Clark here. You've spent this season of Real Talk listening to some incredible interviews hosted by the most amazing 5th graders ever. Well, for our Season Finale, it's time for you to meet the genius behind the creation of this project: the 5th graders of room 2501, the 2025 graduates of White Bear Lake Area High School. We've had an incredible year learning together and I'm excited to share their final thoughts on their elementary & 5th grade experiences with you. Enjoy!

And to my graduating 5th graders, you'll always be my favorite!

With Love,

Mrs. Clark

Interview with Hannah, Jennifer, & Kinzie

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Interview with Tobi, Emily, Marilyn, & Erin

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Interview with Danae, Hannah, & Amelia

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Interview with Hunter, Charlie, Leo & Tommy

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Interview with Gio, Jose, & Alex

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Interview with Owen, Tyler, Ethan, & Dylan

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Interview with Sophie, Grace, Audrey, & Ellie

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Interview with Charlotte, Addy, & Lyla

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