

Dear Students of Battle Lake Public School,

This handbook has been prepared as a guide for you to become acquainted with the policies and procedures that will be followed during the ensuing school year. You are responsible for knowing and complying with school rules and policies. As with any guide, it only serves as a framework. It is not possible to cover every situation in great detail, but is intended to give you the essential information you need.

In the absence of specific instructions, you should comply with the spirit of good citizenship. Take pride in your personal conduct and treat others respectfully, fairly, and compassionately.

You are fortunate to attend school in a beautiful facility. Please assist us in keeping your school looking great by picking up after yourselves and treating the building and equipment with care.

Accept responsibility for your education and personal development. Maintain good attendance, strong study habits, and a positive attitude. Work hard and become involved in the life of this school. Doing so will reward you with lasting memories, lifelong friendships, a sense of accomplishment, and a great education!

Our expectations of you will be high, but they will not be unreasonable or unfair. I look forward to the year ahead with great anticipation. We are going to have a tremendous school year!




Battle Lake Schools are dedicated to creating a place where individuals can begin to be all they can be.

a. We value people, ideas and learning.

b. We encourage communication and growth.

c. We provide opportunities and challenges.

The Battle Lake School affirms its commitment to excellence in education. Therefore, high expectations are clearly stated and consistently upheld.

The basic purpose of schooling is to provide the instruction and support necessary for students to develop the fundamental skills and processes essential for the lifelong acquisition and use of knowledge. Student, school, home, and community share the responsibility for education.

The challenges of life in a complex world require that all students share a common body of knowledge and ideas. Command of this common body of knowledge and ideas enables each student to become an educated person who acts in an ethical manner, functions as a contributing member of a democratic society, and aspires to the highest level of achievement in chosen endeavors. Achieve competence in basic learning skills and processes.

Communicate thoughts and ideas through a variety of means. Organize and manage time and resources. Express creativity and use imagination.

Demonstrate self-respect and self-discipline. Practice sound habits of personal health. Respect individuals, their cultural difference and the interdependence of people. Appreciate beauty in its many forms. Think critically and make informed decisions. Demonstrate concern for the environment. Pursue work and further education. Accept the responsibility of citizenship in a democracy.

Below are the separate parts to the Battle Lake School Handbook:

Academic Information and Policies


Faculty and Staff

Technology Resources

Student Conduct and Discipline Policies

Support Services



General Information

Students, parents/guardians, employees, or other persons may report concerns or complaints to the school district. Complaints may be either written or oral. People are encouraged, but not required, to file a written complaint at the building level where appropriate. The appropriate administrator will respond in writing to the complaining party regarding the school district’s response to the complaint.