About Me

About Me

I started Kindergarten and graduated from Battle Lake School.  I received my Bachelor of Science degree from the U of M, Minneapolis, and then received my Masters in Educational Leadership from Southwest Minnesota State University. I have been teaching second Grade since 1999 at Battle Lake School. 

I enjoy growing things, fixing and building things out of other things that are past their prime.  I love music, science and math.  I like to be on and by the lake, traveling, and riding bike.  I love connecting with my students and watching them grow and try new things right before my eyes!

I am married to J.J. Cline. He is the city attorney and senior partner in his own law firm. My daughter, Courtney, teaches kindergarten in Minneapolis and is pursing an Adminstrator license at Columbia University. My son, David, completed his residencey at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, and will be the Battle Lake Doctor starting this September.  We have a unique dog named Bump. All three of the above mentioned people also graduated from Battle Lake, so it is proof that Battle Lake School provides a first class education, and I am very proud to be a part of that! This is my second home!