
Mayo HS PTSA is in need of new officers for the 2023-2024 school year. If we do not get officer positions filled by December 2023, we are in danger of having to dissolve this unit. Please email if you are interested in helping continue the PTSA at Mayo High School.

Why should I join the PTSA?

The PTSA serves as a platform for parent and teacher involvement within our school. Members are needed to provide guidance regarding the organization’s priorities and goals. By joining, you get to vote on the many important decisions made by the PTA. The PTA also provides a forum for access to teachers and administration, and gives you insight on what is happening within the school. 

Why do I need to pay a fee to join the PTSA?

The Mayo PTSA is a not-for-profit organization that is local, but is also part of a larger state and national organization. We have to collect dues for our membership, as stated in the by-laws of the organization. The majority of your paid dues remains local and supports us here at Mayo HS. A small portion of the dues goes to support the state and national organizations that work to address laws that affect our schools and our education system. However, we retain all of the money we raise within the school, and we make our own decisions regarding our budget.  

But, I’m too busy to join the PTSA…

If you have five minutes to fill out a form, you are not too busy. There is no pressure to attend meetings or volunteer. If you join, you are supporting us. We would like to encourage you to start small….