Spartan Literary Magazine

The Spartan Literary Magazine, Mayo High School's literary journal, gives students and staff the opportunity to publish their own stories, poetry, and creative writing. This club also focuses on literary work and opportunities across the Rochester area.

How to join: Students can become involved by submitting original work or by communicating with current members of the club. Contact information is found below.

How to submit: When you hit the "submit" button below, give your first and last name, along with contact information, then make sure that you have a thoroughly proofed version of your piece. Then upload your document.

The Mayo Advocate and The Spartan Literary Magazine are Mayo High School publications; as such, submissions must follow school guidelines on violence, profanity, and appropriateness. You are allowed to submit as much writing as you'd like; however, there may be times when we do send your work back for revisions. Lastly, although we will try to publish all of the submissions we receive, keep in mind that our staff may not be able to publish everything.

Why publish? While you may not actually receive money, publishing is proof that your writing is worth the time it takes to read; thus, more people, especially editors, will be willing to consider reading more of your writing. In other words, getting published gives your work credibility and visibility. This opens doors because of the first-hand experience and possible college acclimation it affords.

Student Leaders: Grant Schuman and Peter DeLone

Moderator: Mr. Perry