Spartan Literary Magazine 

Spartan Writing  - Want to see Mayo student submissions? Follow the link to read what Spartans have written.

Submissions  - Have your writing published here. We will review your work and get back to you soon!

Why publish? 

While you may not actually receive money, publishing is proof that your writing is worth the time it takes to read; thus, more people, especially editors, will be willing to consider reading more of your writing. In other words, getting published gives your work credibility and visibility. This opens doors because of the first-hand experience and possible college acclimation it affords.

Think About Links - Websites worth exploring

Poetry Foundation offers an array of poems and poets for you to explore; they also publish Poetry Magazine. It is soften the source of the poems we select for our monthly spotlight.

The Academy of American Poets hosts the webpage, which focuses on writers at all stages in their writing development.


On Monday, January 15th, 2024, ninety-five years ago in Atlanta, Georgia, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born. This Baptist minister, philosopher, and Civil Rights Movement leader shined a bright light upon the injustices that many Americans faced, leading to change and the betterment of our society. If you truly wish to honor and celebrate this great American, take time to listen to him speak for 17 minutes, delivering his "I Have a Dream" speech. Listen to the power of his words and his delivery; be inspired. To that end we offer you a full copy of his speech (to follow along) and a link to his delivery of these lines on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in August of 1963.

Every month, we celebrate relevant and noteworthy poems. See what we have to share.

Contact Information

Student Leaders: Grant Schuman; Peter DeLone                         Moderator: Mr. Perry