The Covid-19 Pandemic

Connecting our community through art

What's Your Story?

Weekly Prompts:

  1. During social distancing, my new normal or routine looks like….

  2. Where do you see the helpers in our community?

  3. Since Covid-19, has your experience of being isolated changed the way you think about school? Or has it changed the way you see the role of schools in our community?

  4. When I think about who or what has really helped me during this time, I think of...

  5. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the strangest thing I've seen or experienced is...

  6. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the kindest thing I've seen or experienced is...

The Covid-19 quarantine is a defining part of our history. Now is the time when ordinary moments become extraordinary moments. Our goal is to capture these raw emotions from our schools and greater community and eventually share them in a space that is accessible to everyone.

Our collective hope is that this project grows so that we can include voices and representation from all ages, backgrounds, and industries.

We are asking YOU to participate by post card or digitally.

Here how:

  1. Pick up postcard with a new prompt each week. This card will act as the canvas for community members to express thoughts and feelings. They are self-addressed and no postage is required. Postcards are available every Wednesday, May 6th - June 3rd at one of several locations near the Rochester Public School Meal Service:


Follow this digital link to submit your response here.

*Note that you must use a google account to upload art. If you don't have a google account just email it to us at

Using the work submitted, we will create an art installation displayed in Rochester at locations that are accessible to residents and visitors alike including Threshold Arts at the Castle.

Here are a few of our first responses...

Check back at this site for regular updates and progress...

Contact us to get involved:

Lisa Becker (JM): Casper (Riverside): Leslie Meyer (Riverside): Vasquez (JM): Nicole Wibstad (ALC): Alexis Zaccariello ALC):