Lost or Damaged books

Prodecure for lost or damaged books at Primary & Intermediate Schools:

We know accidents happen and sometimes a media center book is lost, chewed up by the dog, or gets soggy in a backpack when a water bottle leaks. If this happens we’ll send home a replacement fee note. Please know we do our best to make sure the replacement fees are the lowest we can find for you. A replacement fee will not be more than the cover price and most are $10-hardcover books or $5-soft cover books. If a lost book is found after a payment has been made you will be refunded the payment amount as long as the book is still in usable condition. Books that fall apart due to "natural wear" or because they were read multiple times will not incur a replacement fee.

At your request we can print out a replacement fee note on any day. Typically we print out these notes and send them home three times per year, after every trimester (payment may be sent directly to the school labeled: book fees and then a receipt will be sent home).

Questions can be directed to Mrs. T. Anderson at 763-389-6930 or tonia.anderson@isd477.org