Why now? 

The District has been a good steward of taxpayer resources and has been working to address routine maintenance as it arises. However, when the equipment age is beyond its intended life expectancy, it is more cost effective to replace it with updated and more efficient systems. That time has come for much of the equipment in our schools. Additionally, changes and advances in education require a different approach to teaching and learning today and we need to ensure that our facilities are up to date to meet the changing needs of teachers and students. 

How were the needs determined? 

We started with an in-depth review of all our facilities, including details such as indoor air quality, CO2 levels, light and noise levels, adequacy of learning environments, safety, security, etc.  An independent engineering firm did this review and presented findings to the School Board. 

Why didn’t the District fix these needs? 

We have been making ongoing maintenance and repairs over the years, and have been working to address routine maintenance as it arises. However, when equipment reaches beyond its intended life expectancy, it is more cost effective to replace it with updated, more efficient systems. That time has come for electrical systems, air handler units, and other district mechanical equipment. Also, advances in education require a different approach today than years ago, and we need to ensure that our facilities are up to date to meet the changing demands. 

What does "building envelope" mean?

A building envelope is commonly defined as the separation of the interior and exterior of a building. It helps facilitate climate control and protect the indoor environment. 

Building envelopes include the exterior walls, foundations, roofing systems, windows and doors.

What is a “secure entryway”? 

A secure entrance means that staff control who has access to the building so we know that our students are safe. For example, all entrances require visitors to request access through the building secretaries rather than just enter at-will. This way we can be sure that only visitors we approve have access to our buildings. There are other improvements that could further enhance security, such as improved camera systems, double locked entrances that only allow access through the office, and more. 

How do I get more information? 

Feel free to contact Superintendent Pat Rendle by clicking HERE, speak to a School Board member, or contact one of the 14 individuals that participated in the community focus group meetings. The most important thing is to get your questions answered from someone who can give an accurate response. It’s important to know the facts so that you can make an informed vote on November 7, 2023. 

What is CTE?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an educational program that focuses on providing students with the knowledge, skills, hands-on learning experiences, and expertise necessary to pursue specific career paths.

CTE includes a wide range of programs, such as:

Why is Career and Technical Education (CTE) important?

Is the tax amount fixed for 20 yrs based on today's market value or is it floating based on annual market values?

The bond rate is fixed for 20 years.