PEM Gifted Services (GATE)

What are PEM's Gifted and Talented Education Services?

-Testing and identification of gifted students at PEM

-Information sharing between gifted services and PEM educators 

-Support for families and educators who strive to challenge gifted learners and encourage them to learn to their full potential

-Resource sharing

-Communication and opportunity sharing with families and students in the PEM GATE program

-Support for curriculum compacting and differentiation 

-Support and funding for individual projects that develop PEM students' talents 

PEM GATE Qualification Explained

Resources for Teachers  (click here for staff development and project ideas)

Assessment and Identification

Identifying giftedness is an ongoing process meant to recognize and respond to the educational needs of our students. The Gifted Services Screening Committee utilizes measures of potential and performance from a wide variety of sources to ensure students are provided a challenging education regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability. 

Assessment and Identification Procedure

Early Admission

MN Statutes, § 124D.02 subd. 1 states that all children to be eligible for kindergarten must be at least five years of age on September 1 of the calendar year in which the school year commences. ISD#2899 recognizes exceptions to this rule for students born in the month of September and, in extremely rare cases, October based on review of the early entry screening items. The Building Principal’s determination on early admission will be made no later than June 30th and is final.

Early Entry Procedure


ISD#2899 recognizes academic acceleration as a viable option to ensure that every student receives a challenging and appropriate education. Determinations on academic acceleration will be made on a case by case basis with careful consideration to the student’s academic, social, and personal development levels. 

Acceleration Procedure

Click on the image of the book above to learn about the MENSA Gifted Education Reading Program. This is an excellent program that parents can use at home to guide their gifted readers.  

Minnesota Scholars of Distinction (program currently paused but will resume in 2022)

Additional Learning Opportunities for MN Gifted Learners 

University of Minnesota UMTYMP math options

Minnesota Center for Talented Youth Summer Classes and Camps

Grades 1-4 Saturday School Minnesota Center for Talented Youth

Minnesota History Day Research Projects

SCRIPPS Spelling Bee (January at PEM)

Johns Hopkins Talented Youth Summer Programs online

*Please contact PEM G/T to discuss these learning opportunities