K-1 Reading Intervention

What is ADSIS?

The purpose of ADSIS (Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Services) is to provide instruction to assist students who need additional academic support to succeed in the general education setting. The overall goal is to reduce the number of inappropriate referrals to special education by providing support early to struggling students.

PEM PK-3 applies for this grant funding every two years to help support early reading intervention in Kindergarten and First Grade.

Each fall, our reading and Title I staff screen all students and review data to determine who is in need of intervention. Those students who are identified as having the greatest need for reading intervention will be offered the opportunity to participate. In the case that a student qualifies for services, ADSIS staff will contact parents or guardians to discuss placement.

Any questions regarding the ADSIS program should be directed to Vanessa Klavetter, Reading Interventionist.