Parent Information

The Bulldog Way

Quarterly Progress Reports:

When assessing physical education in the primary elementary levels, there are three main areas that are emphasized: Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Participation. These are evaluated daily for the entire class period. Students are NOT assessed on their athletic ability, but rather on their ability to:

  1. Respect: listens and follow directions, positive interactions with peers, consideration of self, others, and equipment meaning being a team member who "Plays to Practice and for Fitness Fun"

  2. Responsibility: wear appropriate footwear (tennis shoes are required every day), personal space (keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself), enter, sit in assigned streets, and exit gym quietly

  3. Safety: self-control (treat other how you would like to be treated), correct use of equipment, spatial awareness (head and eyes looking up and aware of other students and objects)

  4. Participation: try each skill, no giving up, do your best

Consequences and parent communication:

  1. Verbal Warning.

  2. Loss of privilege at teacher’s discretion.

  3. If an inappropriate behavior continues or a below the line behavior is shown, at the teacher's discretion, a “PE Note” will be used. The note will be sent home and must be signed and returned. Continual or serious inappropriate behaviors will result in a phone call home made by your son or daughter.

In addition, please be aware of the following guidelines for my classes:

  • For your child’s safety, they will NOT be allowed to participate without proper footwear in class. Proper footwear includes tennis shoes with a flat bottom and the foot fully covered. Please no slip ons or Crocks. If their shoes have shoelaces than they must be tied everyday to prevent injury. Since P.E. and recess are EVERY DAY, make sure your child wears tennis shoes to school daily, keeps a pair in their backpack or leaves a pair in their locker to use during the week. This is important especially in the winter months when many students wear boots to school. Also, for your own child's safety please stick to wearing tennis shoes only daily. It has been an ongoing safety concern due to flip flops, dress shoes or open toe sandals. Students without the proper footwear will be walking around the gym during regular class activity. If it becomes a habit for the student to not be prepared for activity, at the teacher’s discretion the student will have a loss of privilege in class and a “P.E. Note” will be sent home in which must be signed and returned by parent.

  • In addition to the school nurse, please let me know if your child has any medical or other condition which may affect their participation in physical education, such as asthma, allergic to bees, sun sensitivity, ect.

  • If your child needs to be excused from physical education activities, please let me know describing what they can or cannot participate in. Please write a note and have your child bring it to me when class begins or visit my website and click the Asthma & Medical Excuses link. I NEED the documentation. If your child will need to be excused for an extended period of time (3 or more days), please provide a doctor note as stated in the student handbook. If a doctor limits physical education participation, please ask them to be specific as to the amount of activity your child can or cannot do, as well as when they are able to fully participate again in class.