Student Accident Ins.

WHY IS THE SCHOOL PARTICIPATING IN THIS OFFERING? Students are particularly susceptible to accidental injury. Our school district does not carry insurance to pay for X-rays, stitches, ambulances, etc.

WHAT KIND OF INSURANCE IS THIS? This is a supplemental accidental bodily insurance; it covers accidental bodily injury occurring while the coverage is in force. Illnesses such as measles, sore throats, etc., are not covered.

WHEN AND HOW CAN I ENROLL? Stop in to any school office and pick up a brochure. Your student is covered the day the office receives the completed form and check. If you have any questions, call them toll free at 1-800-328-2739 or find them on line.

If you do not wish to take part in this offer, the district requires that you sign a PARENTAL INSURANCE WAIVER which will be kept on file in the principal’s offices. Your child should have received one the first day of school or you can find it on the school website.