Spring Activities


Head Coach:  Cory Jewison 
Assistant Coach:  Tyler Fellows 

Junior High Baseball Coaches: Lenny Kroll, Jon Daschner 


Head Coach:  Mike Gardner

Junior High Coach:  Brandon Goebel


Head Coach:  Megan Christopher
Assistant Coach:  Madisyn Loken

Junior High Softball Coach:  Jace Emory 

Track and Field

Head Coach: Sam Schruin
Assistant Coaches: John  Kaplan, Liz Kvebak, Scott Thompson, Tim Johnson, Mike Cahill, Katie Cahill

Junior High Coaches: Eric Kehoe, Andrea Kronbach

Track and Field Webpage: https://sites.google.com/d/14-WgMNrULLtFEGDfAfR0s_Ked9cwddwd/p/11GtdT8KJXqR0KrQHhRxcoMLxvWG0aZoU/edit

Adapted Bowling (Coop with Waseca)

Head Coaches: Paige Bellig, Jody Wehking