Section 5: Integration and Collaboration

Narrative Section 5.1
Narrative Section 5.2
Narrative Section 5.3
Narrative Section 5.4
Narrative Section 5.5
Narrative Section 5.6
Narrative Section 5.7
HC Metro South MOU expires 6.30.22.pdf

Document K: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Document L- WDB.pdf

Document L: List of local Workforce Development Board (WDB) members

MSABE Narrative Document M: Current year ABE Regional Transitions Plan.docx

Document M: Current year ABE Regional Transitions Plan

MSABE Narrative Document N: Current Regional/Local WIOA Plan for the local Workforce Development Area(s) (WDA) served.pdf

Document N: Current Regional/Local WIOA Plan for the local Workforce Development Area(s) (WDA) served