
BEC-TV All-Night New Year's Bash

Holiday Greetings to all BEC-TV Volunteers, New and Old!

You're invited to the 2023-24 BEC-TV                                     New Year's All-Night Bash

Note:  Whether you're coming or not, please RSVP HERE so we know how to plan


All BEC-TV "Family" -- Volunteers and Staff, new and old.

If you're Brand New to BEC but intend to be helping us... YES you can come too!


New Year's Eve, 8:00 PM thru New Year's Day, 8:00 AM

One of the most dangerous times to be on the road is after midnight on New Year's night.  

We'd rather keep attendees and their drivers safe and keep the festivities going till morning than risk our friends being on the road!


BEC-TV Director Tom Ringdal along with his wife Diane.


This is  the first return of this event since the pandemic hit!

For decades, every-other-year or so we'd open our house on New Year's as a Thank You to all the people who make BEC-TV hum all year.

We know a lot of our student volunteers don't have a fun, safe place to be on New Year's and are excited to offer that.


The Ringdal House

4334 Welcome Ave N

Crystal, MN   55422

(Very easy to get to... right off Highway 100)


Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch. (Best deal in town!)


Stuff to Bring

You can bring nothing and be just fine.  Really!


You COULD take this opportunity to impress Tom with your homemade cookies, 

(ALWAYS a good idea!)

or make sure we've got your very favorite food by bringing some to share.


Traditionally we include some late-night sledding.  With a record warm December and no snow in sight, we don't expect that to be happening this year.  But hey, this IS Minnesota and one never knows!  If snow flies between now and  we MAY be headin' for the hills, so if you're so inclined, bring warm stuff to wear and -if you've got one - a sled of some sort 

(We've got some to share, too, including a couple classic Flexible Flyers and an old wooden toboggan)


Supervision, Etc.

This will be a smoke/drug/alcohol free event hosted and supervised by BEC-TV Director Tom Ringdal, his wife Diane, and other BEC-TV Senior Staff. 

Parents, if you have any questions or concerns about the evening, we welcome your call or Email.  tringdal@isd271.org

We'd also be truly delighted if you stopped in to say Hi when you drop off or pick up your kids. 


We're all over car pooling.  

We don't want anyone who wants to be here to miss out because of transportation issues.

On the RSVP Form there's a place to indicate if you need - or can offer - a ride.

Coming' Late?

Let us know and BE SURE your parents are on board with your plans.

Leavin' Early?

We're bustin' up the party at 8 AM, after breakfast. 

Anyone leaving before 6am will need to have their parents chat with me so we're sure everyone's on the same page.

Sleepy Folk

Some of us can stay awake for days.  Others not-so-much.

After the midnight Hoo-Haa, we'll have a "quieter" area where you can try to doze as needed.


Head north on Highway 100. Exit at 42nd Ave N  (same as Rockford Road and Cty Rd 9).  

Cross over bridge (Left/West) and take first Right you can. (At the church)  

This is Welcome Ave.

Head 1 1/2 blocks north on Welcome.  We're on the right hand side

If you get lost, call 612-799-5687 and we'll laugh at you. Then we'll give you directions and we can laugh together!

Emergency Numbers

For those coming, there's a place on the form for emergency info (Just in case...)

If you need to get a hold of us during the party, call Tom's Cell 612-799-5687  

Keep your Folks in the Loop

Students, Please pass this info on to your parents so - at least this one time - they know what you know.


Please, Please, Please... 

Whether you're coming or not, head to this link and fill in the form so we know how to plan.

 We're looking forward to ushering in 2024 with YOU!
