
Do you need to make up a lesson? CLICK HERE!!

Minnewaska Lesson Policy...

During lessons, students will play fundamentals exercises and assigned lesson book material. Attending a lesson does not mean that they will receive an ‘A’ in their lesson grade. Students will be graded on posture, readiness, willingness to play, and on bringing appropriate materials (instrument, music, practice log, pencil) - similar qualities to participation points. If a student misses their lesson due to forgetfulness, the student must schedule a makeup lesson with their lesson teacher within one week of the missed lesson in order to receive full credit. If a student fails to make up the lesson within the week, they may still make up the lesson, but will only receive partial credit. If the student has an excused absence or a test, the student is given two weeks to make up the lesson. In either situation, it is the student’s responsibility to first, communicate with the director and second, schedule a makeup lesson.

Lesson Schedule...

2.0 - Lesson Schedule 18-19
Make up Lesson Sign-Up