4th Grade Weekly Lessons

May 11 - May 15

Welcome back to Distance Learning.

If we were together in school we'd be sure to get outside as often as we can, so please try to do the same! Let us know what kinds of fun things you're up to. Have you been fishing? Are you planting a garden? Are you teaching your pets new tricks? Make time for fun!

This week's activities are outlined below. You can choose the order that you complete them. Please reach out with any questions you have!


We will move to a Tic-Tac-Toe board to finish out math for the year.

Here is a set of 9 activities that involve numbers. Make at least one tic-tac-toe (3 in a row up/down, left/right, or diagonal) from the board, but try out as many activities as you can.

When you've finished, fill out the form to tell me what you did.

Click the image for links to game directions.


In reading this week, you will have two choices.

You can complete this week's reading checklist


Listen to the first chapter of Harry Potter and do activities that go with it:

Chapter I Challenge and the Quiz over Chapter I of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Finally complete the Harry Potter Chapter 1Exit Ticket by Friday, May 15.


The resources for this week come from our very own Voyageurs National Park.

Go to this website: https://www.voyageurs.org/teachingresources

Watch the two videos on Becoming a Wolf Expert.

Take the quizzes and check your answers. Also see if you can search and find the wolves in the picture.

Fill out the Becoming a Wolf Expert Exit Ticket


Make a wolf art project.

Social Studies

This week we continue learning about the regions of the United States. This week we visit the Southwest. Read about this desert area filled with plains, canyons, and plateaus! Then answer the questions that follow.

Land & Water of the Southwest

Climate and Products & Natural Resources of the Southwest Southwest Region Assignment

Landmarks and Culture of the Southwest

Try out these Nearpods for a Virtual Tour of the Midwest. These are optional.

Grand Canyon National Park: HSEOI New Mexico: ENICS

Oklahoma: MRQGP Texas: YUCGH


How is your journal coming? Have you read back to your beginning entries? By the end of this week, you should have nearly 30 entries if you've been writing each week. That's a lot of great information about this important time in our history.

  • You can download this Memory Book to complete for 4th grade. If you have a printer, you may like to print it for a keepsake. If not, you can download it to your Google Drive or Photos and edit on your iPad. Be sure to save a copy to your Drive if you are doing the electronic option so that you can keep it forever.


Spelling lists can be found in Schoology. Continue to your next list. Use Spelling City to practice and master your words.

Spelling City username: nws1 password: nws

Mrs. Bryson's Class - you may continue to practice spelling lists in spelling city to the end of the year, however no new lists will be given during May.

Extension / Enrichment Activities

The following resources are provided for optional extension work. They do not have to be turned in. Think of them as brain exercises instead of assignments and complete if you're interested.

Join a LIVE Breakout from Breakout EDU - 1:00 every day you can do a new breakout AND enter to win a prize!

Enrichment Activities from Ms. Tuthill

Listen to Stories for Free on Audible

Play BOGGLE online

Play KRYPTO online

Mrs. Bryson


phone: 218-506-0198

Ms. Tuthill


phone: 218-666-5221 ext 5114

Mrs. Sopoci


phone: 218-248-2431

Mr. LeBeque


Phone: 218.506.8004