6th Grade

Courage Retreats

Every year our 6th graders participate in Courage Retreats!

For more information about Youth Frontiers and the Courage Retreats, please visit their website:


To sign up to be a Volunteer Click on "Volunteers" below

We are so thankful for the parents and community members who volunteer each year as group leaders. Following is information for volunteers:

*There will be an additional form required for a background check. The form will be emailed to you when you sign up as a volunteer.*

Following is some information if you have signed above to volunteer to help with the retreats:

Thank you for volunteering to help with the Courage Retreat. We appreciate you taking the time to help us in this way. Please meet us in the Koinonia at First Lutheran Church in Brainerd at 8:00. You can park on the street by the church. Please go in the door (to the main building) on Norwood Street. The staff from Youth Frontiers will meet with volunteers for about 45 minutes before the students arrive to talk about your role as group leaders. You probably will not be leading your son or daughter’s small group. If you would like to lead your child’s group, please contact Trudi Storbakken at 454-6066 or Trudi.Storbakken@isd181.org. The retreat will last until approximately 2:15-2:30.

Please bring a bag lunch.

We have divided our students into groups according to the number of volunteers we have per team, each of you is a very important part of our day!

Please have your child ride the bus to school in the morning rather than bringing him or her with you to the church. The Youth Frontiers staff will train volunteers before the students arrive so it is best for your child to take the bus.