School Forest Section 04

Below are the videos that can be found in this section of the school forest. Each video has a brief description that goes with it. The symbols will show you the approximate location of each video.

Video 01: Introduction to the School Forest Vitual Tour.

Video 02: Bluebird houses and their purpose in the Dean Makey School Forest.

Video 03: An Aurasma that shows the importance of protecting pine seedlings from

deer browsing damage by using bud caps.

Video 04: Tree identification - jack pine.

Video 05: Forest management interpretive signs.

Video 06: Tree identification - red pine.

Video 07: Tree identification - eastern white pine.

Video 08: Tree identification - paper birch.

Video 09: Tree identification - eastern white pine.

Video 10: Wren House (there are a couple more scattered through out forest).

Video 11: Robin Nest Shelf (there are a couple more scattered thr