Brainerd Adult Basic Education

5 Year Narrative

Adult Basic Education (ABE) is a state-wide system that serves adults who are working towards a high school credential, learning English, improving basic skills such as literacy and math, and/or preparing for post-secondary education or employment. ABE is funded with both federal and state funds, and services are delivered through a network of 39 consortia comprising all Minnesota school districts as well as other partners including the correctional system and community-based organizations. The mission of Adult Basic Education in Minnesota is to provide adults with educational opportunities to acquire and improve their literacy skills necessary to be self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members, and citizens.

Brainerd ABE 5-Year Narrative was written during Spring of 2021.






Central Lakes College

501 W College Drive Room C105 Brainerd, MN 56401

Jessica Cass

ABE Program Coordinator


To be eligible for ABE, an individual must be:

Age 17 or older and not enrolled in or required to be enrolled in any school in the K-12 system,

***And must meet one or both of the following criteria***

~Lacks a secondary (high school) credential

~Functions below the 12th grade level in any of the basic academic areas including reading, math, and ability to read, write and understand English.