
Quick Description

Newsela is an Instructional Content Platform that combines engaging, leveled content with integrated formative assessments and insights to supercharge engagement and learning in every subject. Students and teachers use Newsela to find digital content from hundreds of the best sources—from National Geographic to NASA, to Encyclopedia Britannica, the Washington Post to the Wichita Eagle. Content is instructionalized to meet students where they are, with interactive tools and analytics to take them where they want to go.

NOTE: The High School is the only building currently paying for a premium subscription. If you create an account using your "" address and you work in the high school, you should automatically be given a premium account.

If that doesn't happen, contact Tech Integration.

If you are in another building, you can still create an account and use the free version of Newsela.

Video Tutorials

Introduction to Newsela

(4 minutes)

Newsela Tutorial

(7 Minutes)

How to Add Students to Classes using Google:

  • When you import a Google Classroom roster, student accounts for all students on the roster are added to your Newsela class. (To have students sign in with Google and join a regular Newsela class, follow these steps.)
  • Students who have been imported on a Google Classroom roster can go to or to the Newsela mobile app, click Sign in, and select Google Sign In. They will see your class on their settings page.
  • To confirm that your students are in your class, go to your Students page. Under each class name, you’ll see a list of students in the class. You’ll also see a blue Re-Sync Class button on the right of the class name. If your Google Classroom roster changes, sync the updates to Newsela by clicking that button.