AP Exam
Registration & Payment
AP test registration will be open
AP test registration will be open
Sept. 6th through Nov. 1st, 2022 for 1st semester/full year classes.
Sept. 6th through Nov. 1st, 2022 for 1st semester/full year classes.
Late registration after Nov. 15th will incur a $40 fee.
Late registration after Nov. 15th will incur a $40 fee.
*2nd semester-only courses follow the same process, but the registration date without late fee extends to 3/1.
Exams cannot be ordered after Mar. 11th!
Exams cannot be ordered after Mar. 11th!
To order, you must follow these TWO steps by the deadline:
Step 1
Join your AP Classroom on the College Board website: myap.collegeboard.org
*course-specific join code provided by your AP teacher
For more details about the process, check this out -->
*If finances are a concern (you receive Free/Reduced Lunch or are experiencing financial hardship), there is a box to check in the Total Registration process to request financial support. We want all students interested in taking an exam to have the opportunity!
Contact your AP Coordinator with AP questions: Jess Stewart (she/her) stewartj@district112.org 952.556.7111