

2022/6/20(一)~6/21(二) 成功大學 (6/15截止報名)


P01 Research Plan on Fusion Plasma Study at 電漿所 (河森榮一郎)

Eiichirou Kawamori kawamori@isaps.ncku.edu.tw

A. Feasibility Study of Spherical Tokmak Development at NCKU

B. Plasma Window for Aneutronic Fusion Reactor - Breakthrough technology for advanced nuclear fusion reactor using aneutronic fuels.

P02 Dual-self similarity in phase-space of magnetized plasma turbulence (Eiichirou Kawamori, Yu-Ting Lin)

Eiichirou Kawamori kawamori@isaps.ncku.edu.tw

The universality hidden in the turbulence of collisionless magnetized plasmas exemplified by space, astrophysical, and magnetically confined fusion plasmas has been of long-time paramount interest. Entropy cascade akin to the Kolmogorov energy cascade in fluid turbulence has been theoretically proposed universal dynamics. Here, we show corroborating evidence of the existence of the entropy cascade by the first-ever direct visualization of entropy distribution in the phase-space of turbulence in laboratory experiments. This measurement confirms the scaling laws predicted by the gyrokinetic theory with the dual self-similarity hypothesis, which reflects the interplay between the position- and velocity-spaces of ions by perpendicular non-linear phase-mixing. This verification is crucial for understanding turbulent heating in the solar corona, solar wind, accretion disks, magnetically confined fusion plasmas.

P03 Investigation of the origin of plasma blobs in laboratory magnetized fusion plasma (HUANG,ZHAO-YU, Eiichirou Kawamori)

Eiichirou Kawamori kawamori@isaps.ncku.edu.tw

Plasma density filaments called “blobs”, which propagate perpendicular to the background magnetic field, are observed ubiquitously in various magnetized plasmas (e.g. magnetically confined fusion plasmas, space plasmas). Here, we attempt at clarifying the mechanisms of generation & propagation of blobs by laboratory experiment.

P04 Controllability of ion out flow driven by ambipolar electric field from magnetic mirror (Zongmau Lee)

Zongmau Lee happyfat332@gmail.com

A laminar flow is an ordered form of energy containers in plasma systems, hence tractable energy form to control or to convert to the other forms in plasmas. In this study, we investigate properties of out flow of ions from a magnetic mirror in a laboratory experiment with a detailed measurement of axial profiles of plasma parameters for varied mirror ratios of the magnetic mirror. The experimental results reveal that the speed of the ion out flow is increased with the mirror ratio. This is attributed to enhancement of an ambipolar axial electric field accompanied by the increased mirror ratio. We also confirmed that the ion out flow satisfies the Bernoulli’s theorem and the continuity equation consistently. Accordingly, the ion out flow speed can be increased up to the speed corresponding to unity Mach number in the downstream of the magnetic mirror.

P05 Experimental Generation of Langmuir Waves Supercontinuum by Low Energy Electron Beam-Plasma Instability in Laboratory Plasma (Zongmau Lee)

Zongmau Lee happyfat332@gmail.com

This study targets experimental demonstrations of generation of Langmuir wave supercontinuum (LWSC) in laboratory magnetized plasmas experiment. A preceding study using a particle-in-cell simulation exhibits generation of LWSC [1]. For exciting seed LWs, we have attempted at injection of monochromatic electron beams to our plasmas. We observed LWSC with high coherence and broaden spectrum showed in the experiment. The seed Langmuir waves were generated from the beam-plasma instability The tricoherence analysis identified LWSC generated (around plasma frequency) in plasma.

P06 Development of low energy electron beam injector for experimental study of beam-plasma instability and generation of Langmuir wave supercontinuum (陳奕傑)

陳奕傑 cyijie727@gmail.com

Quasi-linear theory along with the linear and weak nonlinear theories constitutes the most fundamental theories of the plasma wave physics, which can describe evolution of the equilibrium velocity distribution functions of the particles as consequences of wave-particle interactions. One of the well-known phenomena described by the quasi-linear theory is a plateau formation after bump-on-tail instability (BOTI). Despite its importance in wide spectrum of the plasma physics, few experiments have exhibited clear verification of the quasi-linear theory until now. This fact stems from some difficulties in experimental realization of set ups which meet requirements of the quasilinear diffusion. For example, for BOTI setting, low energy electron beams (~ a few times the bulk electron temperature T_e) having sufficient intensity are necessary. In addition, high frequency electrostatic wave measurement and measurement of electron velocity distribution function (f_e (v)) with satisfactory resolution are inevitable for the verification. This lack of the experimental verification becomes our motivation to this research.

The purpose of this research is verification of the quasi-linear theory by means of experiment. Our idea for producing a BOTI condition is to inject a low- energy electron beam (~ 2−10T_e) into target magnetized plasmas. The beam energy should range between 10 eV to 100 eV for T_e ~ 5 eV−10 eV of our plasma. For the purpose, we have developed a low energy electron beam injector. Our beam injector consists of a filament covered with a small casing and a biasing circuit. The beam injector is immersed into the target plasma to produce a bump in f_e (v). The intensity and the energy of the electron beam are controllable. We measure f_e (v) by a Langmuir probe technique. High frequency electrostatic waves in the plasma are diagnosed by receivers (sets of monopole antennas) immersed into the plasma. We observed excitation of high frequency electrostatic waves when the electron beam was injected and a bump was created in f_e (v). The dispersion (ω-k) relation of the waves measured by the receivers shows a good agreement with the theoretical dispersion relation of Langmuir waves (LWs). The phase velocity of the LWs and the velocity of the electron beam is consistent with the prediction by the BOTI theory. The evolution of f_e (v) along the beam propagation direction (z-direction) clearly demonstrates a formation of a plateau at the velocity slightly slower than that of the injected beam, indicating that validity of the quasilinear theory.

In summary, we developed a low energy electron beam injector for verification of the quasi-linear theory. Evidences of the wave-particle interaction after BOTI was measured consistent with the prediction of the quasi-linear theory. The waves generated by BOTI is LWs. In the next step, we employ this electron beam injector for generation of a new state of LWs, called Langmuir wave supercontinuum, which has been predicted by theory and a numerical simulation.

P07 Dynamic image reconstruction of density profile of sheared-rotating magnetized plasma with deep neural network (陳威宇)

陳威宇 alan96097@yahoo.com.tw

Conventional reconstruction method of spatial profiles of plasma parameters including density, temperature, etc. from line-integrated signals assume macroscopically static plasma states. In most cases, however, plasmas (especially in fusion plasma experiments) evolve dynamically in space and time. Therefore, we attempt at establishment of a novel reconstruction method of spatial-temporal evolution of cross-sectional profiles of plasma density with the use of deep neural network (DNN) from line-integrated density n_e L(x,t) measured by an interferometer, where x and t denote the position of the cords and time, respectively. The idea is to regard the reconstruction process as an image reconstruction, which is a DNN’s area of expertise. That is, a spatial-temporal evolution of the line-integrated density n_e L(x,t) (equivalently power spectra (n_e L) ̃(x,f) and the phase spectra ϕ(x,f) ) is taken as an input image to DNN and the corresponding output is a dynamic image of the cross-sectional density distribution. As a first step, we develop and train DNNs using datasets produced by a numerical simulation of interferometer measurement for prepared various profiles of sheared rotating plasmas, whose density profiles are expressed as the following from: n_e (r,t)=∑_r▒〖∑_m▒〖Amp(r,m)cos⁡(mθ-ω(r,m)〗 t+θ_0 〗), where r,Amp(r,m), m, θ, ω(r,m), … are radial position, amplitude, the poloidal mode number, the poloidal angle, the angular frequency, …, respectively. m ranges 0 to 4. The following three data sets are prepared: (A) only a single m allows at all layers, in which Amp(r,m)≠0 in all radial layers for m=m_single, and Amp(r,m)=0 for m≠m_single, where m_single is a selected mode number as the single mode. (B) only a single m is allowed at each radial layer, and respective m can have different values in which Amp=Amp(r,m_single (r))≠0 only for m=m_single, (C) multiple m is allowed at each radial layer. The DNN trained by the data set (A) shows the best performance among the three cases, and the average error in amplitude is lower than 40%, and that in frequency is lower than 100%. The other two cases (B) and (C) could not show reconstruction results with acceptable error ranges.

P08 Study of angular momentum in rotating plasma disk from head-on collisions of two rotating plasma jets (郭名翔)

郭名翔 jackismy40@gmail.com

We are studying a rotating plasma disk generated by two head-on rotating plasma jets colliding each other. The rotating plasma disk can be used to simulate Milky Way, Stars and Starforming regions, which are large-scale and difficult to study. We use a 1-kJ pulsed power system driving a conical-wire array which consists of four 20 µm tungsten wires, to generate plasma jet. The 1-kJ pulsed-power system consists of 20 capacitors with a total capacitance of 5 µF and is charged to 20 kV. When the system discharges, it generates a pulsed current of ~ 135 kA with a rise time of ~ 1592 ns. The plasma jet is generated by the conical-wire array with a speed of ~ 90 km/s. Further, the rotating plasma jet is generated by a twisted-conicalwire array. Furthermore, a pair of conical-wire array sitting against each other, which is called a bi-conical-wire array, will be used to generate counter-propagating plasma jets. When two plasma jets collide with other head-to-head, a rotating/non-rotating plasma disk is formed. We are using an Nd-YAG Q-switch laser with pulse width of ~ 5 ns in 532 nm for taking the timeresolved shadowgraph and schlieren images. The same laser is used for interferometry for measuring the plasma disk density. On the other hand, we are taking the time-integrated images in visible light from the top and from the side of the plasma jet and the time-integrated soft x-ray image from the side. Therefore, we will use these measurements to study the angular momentum of rotating plasma disk from two head-on colliding plasma jets. This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan, under Award Number 105-2112-M-006-014-MY3 and 109-2112-M-006-011.

P09 Development of a Helmholtz coil for generating EUV light using a theta pinch (杜承翰)

杜承翰 chenghan188@gmail.com

Extreme ultraviolet(EUV) lithography technology has played an important role in semiconductor manufacturing. Due to the development of EUV lithography technology, Moore's Law can be continued. We are using the method of generating EUV light from hot plasma generated from discharge-produced plasma(DPP). We expect to generate the hot plasma by compressing the plasma plume with a theta pinch. Finally, the temperature of the plasma plume potentially reaches ~30 eV and radiates the EUV light. In this work, we are building the Helmholtz coil for generating the magnetic field for compressing the plasma plume. It is called a theta pinch. To drive the theta pinch, we use a 1-kJ pulsed-power system which can provide a pulsed current with a peak of 135 ± 1 kA. The magnetic field strength is important for the theta pinch, and it needs to be measured. Finally, we will show how the coil was made and introduce the working of the B-dot probe.

P10 TPS: Building a high-voltage pulse generator (Chih Hsien Liu)

Chih Hsien Liu roger206125@gmail.com

We are building a high-voltage pulse generator. It will be used to convert a high-power 500-V DC voltage to 10-kHz AC voltage. Then, the voltage can be raised to 2-KV by using a transformer. In the future, high-power, high-voltage power sources can be used to generate plasma. It can be used as a high-power high-voltage power supply if combing with a rectifier. To convert the DC to AC voltage, the H-bridge pulse generator configuration is used. The 10-kHz controlling signal required for the pulse generator is provided by an Arduino board. The design and the status of the high-voltage pulse generator are given.

P11 Development of a fast high-voltage pulse generator (Che-Yu Liu)

Che-Yu Liu xx4185@gmail.com

We are building a fast high-voltage pulse generator with an output voltage of –8 kV and a rise time in the order of nanosecond. It will replace the trigger-pulse generator currently used in our 1-kJ pulse-power system, the pulse-power generator for space sciences (PGS), for reducing the timing jitter. The trigger pulse generator consists of eight 1.1-kV power MOSFETs stacking on top of each other. When all of then are activated at the same time, an -8-kV pulse will be generated. We will show the eight stage-MOSFET design circuit as the fast high-voltage pulse generator and the preliminary result of a –1-kV high-voltage pulse generated by a two-stage MOSFET.

P12 可應用於立方衛星之高解析度極光影像儀 (劉宇修) (僅實體,線上不公開)

劉宇修 pupsskevin@gmail.com

本研究的主要目的在於設計一組可搭載於立方衛星或在一般衛星上作為科學酬載之用的極光觀測影像儀,我們將它命名為極光精細結構觀測儀(IFSA, Imager for Fine Structure of Aurora),顧名思義,此觀測儀主要用於觀測地球高層大氣的極光現象,並能進行精細結構的解析。在整體效能上我們所比對的對象為福衛二號之科學酬載(ISUAL CCD影像儀),希望藉由開發此微型化鏡頭模組,能成功取代ISUAL較耗資源(空間、重量與耗電)的設計,但同時還能維持原先的觀測視角(FOV)與解析度品質。在研究過程中,我們採用Zemax軟體進行鏡片組合的光學光路設計,並將對鏡組設計後的成像斑點、能量累積以及調制轉換函數(MTF, Modulation Transfer Function)等的光學輸出品質加以討論,藉此確認此影像儀的光學系統與後端的影像處理系統間的匹配程度。

P13 Design of all-sky electrostatic analyser for measurements of space plasmas (蔡勝丞) (僅實體,線上不公開)

蔡勝丞 z06547812@gmail.com


P14 The silicon solid-state energetic particle detectors (Tzu-EN Yen) (僅實體,線上不公開)

Tzu-EN Yen la6091035@gs.ncku.edu.tw

本研究的目的是設計一套可以安裝在立方衛星或一般衛星擔任科學酬載的太空高能粒子分析儀,該分析儀具有體積小、重量輕、功耗低的特點,主要用於測量2-200 keV能量範圍內的電子、離子和中子。太空中的大多數物質都是以電漿的方式存在,當我們想了解太空中的粒子即時分佈時,唯一的辦法就是利用衛星進行現地(in-situ)量測。此外,為了能搭載在立方衛星上,酬載皆需要尺寸縮小和重量減輕的改革。所以在本研究中,我們預計開發一套符合上述兩點特性的高能粒子量測酬載,採用 2006 年發射的 STEREO 衛星上所搭載的超熱電子偵測器(STE)作為原始模型來重新改良設計。新版分析儀主要由三部分組成:準直器組件、衰減器組件和探測器組件,測量方法是在粒子被準直器組件進行方向性篩選後,通過靜電偏折器選擇特定能量的粒子。最後,成功到達探測器的粒子,其種類由偵測端的不同通道所決定。在本研究中,我們使用基於電漿動力學基礎的SIMION來模擬粒子路徑,發現在固定偏壓設置下,不同類型和能量的粒子,其路徑偏差皆不會相同,在最後結果中,我們也將呈現四種固態量測通道與不同粒子之間的能量和角度關係。

P15 Numerical study for the space mission design: wake formation behind Langmuir probes (Chun-Sung Jao, Sigvald Marholm, Andres Spicher, Wojciech J. Miloch)

Chun-Sung Jao csjao@jupiter.ss.ncu.edu.tw

In space plasma physics, the in-situ measurement is essential for exploring the Sun-Earth environment. Instrument-carrying rockets/satellites are designed to conduct experiments along the spacecraft’s trajectory. However, a traveling spacecraft will disturb the local plasma and potentially cause errors in the measurement. It is thus vital to consider the effects of plasma-object interactions on the instrument design and the data processing to improve data quality. For the employment of a multi-needle Langmuir probe (m-NLP) instrument, here we present the numerical study of plasma wake behind a Langmuir probe thinner than the Debye length. These results may provide a practical reference for data processing and the future design of the Langmuir probe instrument flying in the F region, such as sounding rockets and low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite missions.

P16 The 1-kJ pulsed-power system for studying high-energy-density plasma (HEDP) (張博宇)

張博宇 pchang@mail.ncku.edu.tw

High-energy-density plasma is the regime where pressure is larger than 1 Mbar, i.e., ~ one million of atmosphere. It is the regime where many astrophysical phenomena take place. Inertial confinement fusions (ICF) also occur in this regime. To reach the regime, material needs to be compressed in a short period of time. The 1-kJ pulsed-power system in Pulsed-Plasma Laboratory is used for compressing materials into the HEDP regime. The 1-kJ pulsed-power system, the Pulsed-power Generator for Space science (PGS), is capable of providing a pulsed current with a peak current of ~135 kA and a rise time of ~1.6 us. A suite of diagnostics has been integrated into the system. It includes a plasma-jet velocity measurement system, time-integrated side-view, top-view cameras in visible light, a time-integrated x-ray pinhole camera, a time-resolved shadowgraphy, and a time-resolved Schlieren imaging system. The plasma can be compressed to near the HEDP regime by using either theta pinch or z pinch driven by the PGS machine. The PGS machine is and will be used to study the plasma jets for experimentally simulating the solar wind and supersonic flows in astrophysical objects. It is also used to develop the EUV light source by compressing the plasma to a high temperature.

P17 Bicoherence Anaysis of Nonlinear Wave Coupling in Magnetized Plasma (Liu Tzu-Chi, Eiichirou Kawamori)

劉子頎 b07202002@ntu.edu.tw

Fluctuations in plasma density/potential often

• contain complicated nonlinear interactions

• which cannot be analyzed via conventional

• Fourier spectral methods

• Bicoherence is one of the most common

• numerical tools for detecting nonlinear wave

• interactions