

2022/6/20(一)~6/21(二) 成功大學 (6/15截止報名)



10:30 AM ~ 11:30 AM 報到

11:30 AM ~ 12:00 AM 太空與電漿科學所介紹(河森榮一郎所長) DV / Webex

12:00 PM ~ 13:00 PM 午餐(會議提供)


13:00 PM ~ 14:00 PM

Talk-1 談永頤教授 (視訊演講) DV / Webex


14:00 PM ~ 15:00 PM

Talk-2 張博宇助理教授

講題:電漿推進 DV / Webex

15:00 PM ~ 15:30 PM Coffee break

15:30 PM ~ 16:30 PM

Talk 3 劉耀澧助理教授

講題:雷射電漿物理簡介 DV / Webex

16:30 PM ~ 18:00 PM 交流討論及晚餐(會議提供)



09:00 AM ~ 10:00 AM

Talk 4 陳秋榮教授

講題:核融合能源研發介紹 DV / DV下 / Webex

10:00 AM ~ 10:10 AM Coffee break

10:10 AM ~ 11:10 AM

Talk 5 河森榮一郎教授

講題:磁控核融合電漿實驗 DV / Webex

11:10 AM ~ 12:10 AM

Talk 6 張博宇助理教授

講題:慣性控制核融合與高能高密度電漿 DV / Webex

12:10 PM ~ 13:00 PM 午餐(會議提供)

13:00 PM ~ 15:00 PM 實體壁報論文與討論實驗室導覽、Coffee break


15:00 PM ~ 16:00 PM 線上壁報論文與討論、實驗室導覽

壁報論文報告者登入線上會議, 進入所屬分組討論室(顯示論文名稱), 回答線上與會者問題(線上與會者可自由進入想提問的分組討論室)

16:00 PM ~ 17:00 PM 頒發證書與座談

17:00 PM 議程結束



實體壁報論文海報板張貼範圍為85cm寬X 115cm高

6/21 15:00 PM ~ 16:00 PM 壁報論文報告者登入線上會議, 進入所屬分組討論室(顯示論文名稱), 回答線上與會者問題(線上與會者可自由進入想提問的分組討論室)

壁報論文線上展示 (請點選進入)


P01 Research Plan on Fusion Plasma Study at 電漿所 (河森榮一郎)

P01A Feasibility Study of Spherical Tokmak Development at NCKU

P01B Plasma Window for Aneutronic Fusion Reactor - Breakthrough technology for advanced nuclear fusion reactor using aneutronic fuels.

P02 Dual-self similarity in phase-space of magnetized plasma turbulence (Eiichirou Kawamori, Yu-Ting Lin)

P03 Investigation of the origin of plasma blobs in laboratory magnetized fusion plasma (HUANG,ZHAO-YU, Eiichirou Kawamori)

P04 Controllability of ion out flow driven by ambipolar electric field from magnetic mirror (Zongmau Lee)

P05 Experimental Generation of Langmuir Waves Supercontinuum by Low Energy Electron Beam-Plasma Instability in Laboratory Plasma (Zongmau Lee)

P06 Development of low energy electron beam injector for experimental study of beam-plasma instability and generation of Langmuir wave supercontinuum (陳奕傑)

P07 Dynamic image reconstruction of density profile of sheared-rotating magnetized plasma with deep neural network (陳威宇)

P08 Study of angular momentum in rotating plasma disk from head-on collisions of two rotating plasma jets (郭名翔)

P09 Development of a Helmholtz coil for generating EUV light using a theta pinch (杜承翰)

P10 TPS: Building a high-voltage pulse generator (Chih Hsien Liu)

P11 Development of a fast high-voltage pulse generator (Che-Yu Liu)

P12 可應用於立方衛星之高解析度極光影像儀 (劉宇修) (僅實體,線上不公開)

P13 Design of all-sky electrostatic analyser for measurements of space plasmas (蔡勝丞) (僅實體,線上不公開)

P14 The silicon solid-state energetic particle detectors (Tzu-EN Yen) (僅實體,線上不公開)

P15 Numerical study for the space mission design: wake formation behind Langmuir probes (Chun-Sung Jao, Sigvald Marholm, Andres Spicher, Wojciech J. Miloch)

P16 The 1-kJ pulsed-power system for studying high-energy-density plasma (HEDP) (張博宇)

P17 Bicoherence Anaysis of Nonlinear Wave Coupling in Magnetized Plasma (Liu Tzu-Chi, Eiichirou Kawamori)