EdTech toolbox


  • Kahoot is an online game based learning platform. Kahoot allows you to create your own quizzes or use one from their database. There are several different modes that Kahoot allows you to use.

  • Kahoot can be used in the classroom and virtually. Students can access Kahoot on their own device at home and invite friends to study with them.

  • I use Kahoot in my classroom on a regular basis to review material we have learned. I use it as an activator and a summarizer. I often give students a small prize if they win at Kahoot.

  • Kahoot is an engaging game that allows me to see right away which concepts I need to reteach. The students are engaged because it is a competitive platform. It gives me immediate feedback. This allows me to meet the needs of my students without giving a paper assignment.

What is Kahoot?

This video above shows what Kahoot is and how it makes learning fun in the classroom.

Kahoot Tutorial for Teachers

This tutorial shows teachers how to use Kahoot within their classroom.

Kahoot Tutorial for Teachers and Students

This tutorial above shows how students use Kahoot.

ed puzzle

  • Edpuzzle is an easy-to-use online platform that uses videos allowing you to engage every student.

  • Edpuzzle can be assigned on google classroom and students can watch the video anywhere they have access to the internet.

  • I like to use EdPuzzle to restate a lesson. I have the students watch the lessons and work through the questions at their own pace.

  • EdPuzzle is made up of videos so it reaches your visual learners. It also consists of youtube videos and most students are very familiar with youtube. I can easily look at the data after the students are finished and see which concepts need to be revisited.

Getting Started with Edpuzzle.

The video above shows teachers how to get started with Edpuzzle.

How to Use Edpuzzle for Students.

The video above shows students how to get started with Edpuzzle and complete their online assignments.


  • Blooket is a new online platform that uses trivia to help students review math concepts. The way it works is that a teacher/host picks a question set and a unique game mode.

  • Blooket can be assigned as a game in the classroom or as homework. The students can work on assignments as a game or as homework and I can take it as a grade.

  • I use Blooket to review math concepts that my students have learned in previous years. For example, I often use it for reviewing multiplication facts or integer operations.

  • Blooket engages the students because it is a competitive platform. The student's favorite game is the gold rush. The students are allowed to steal each other's gold.

Blooket Tutorial for Teachers

The above video shows teachers how to use Blooket and the benefits it presents to students and teachers alike.

Blooket Tutorial for Students

The above tutorial shows how to get started on Blooket as a student.

study island

  • Study Island is an online assessment tool. It has preloaded questions generated from GA standards.

  • Study Island assignments can be assigned to be done in the classroom and virtually. Students can do assessments anywhere they have access to the internet.

  • I use Study Island to give students extra practice with a certain standard. I use it in test mode or group session. The test mode has students work on their assignment independently. I use the group session in class with me leading the group.

  • The students are engaged working independently for a grade. I can reassign the test as many times as I need to. I get immediate feedback from study island.

Study Island Overview

Click on the above video to understand the benefits of study island for our students.

How to use Study Island

Click on the above video to understand how to use study island as a parent or student.


  • I-Ready is an online learning platform that I can use to assign a certain lesson or I can have students work on their own level on different topics.

  • IReady assignments can be assigned to work on in the classroom or anywhere the students have access to the internet.

  • I use IReady in my classroom for early finishers. It allows the students to have something educational that reinforces the standards taught in the classroom.

  • Iready keep students engaged by teaching using interactive videos. It gives the students immediate feedback on concepts they need more practice on.

IReady Overview

View the video above to give you an idea as to why IReady is not only beneficial for instruction but is also beneficial for an individual level.

Diagnostic Results

Above is a picture that is shown after students complete the diagnostic. As you can see, it shows the level that our students are on, the percentage, and on the right hand side it shows access to support for our students.