Cristina Fiol

School Counselor

Main Street School

(914) 269-5262

Students complete this Google Form to request to meet with the School Counselor

At Main Street School, all students have access to the school counselor, Mrs. Fiol, through ongoing classroom lessons, and our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program.

Tier 1 Classroom Lessons

ALL classes will visit Mrs. Fiol's classroom to participate in school counseling lessons using the Character Strong Program: PurposeFull People. This program is aligned with the ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success and the CASEL competencies (Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making. Through these classroom lessons (Tier 1), ALL students will learn self-management skills, social skills, and learning strategies. Students will learn about feelings, self-regulation, self-esteem, listening and following directions, friendship, cooperation, problem-solving, and many other topics.  

Click the image above for PurposeFULL People Introduction and Welcome Letter

Tier 2 Small Group Counseling

Mrs. Fiol will provide Tier 2, direct targeted services to students identified as needing support through the MTSS process, Direct services include targeted small-group counseling. Tier 2 groups are formed based on the needs of students. Some areas of focus include groups related to relationship skills, self-management skills, and emotion regulation skills. Groups meet for six to ten sessions and there are targeted goals for each session. 

Tier 3 Short-Term Individual Counseling/Coaching

Mrs. Fiol will provide Tier 3, direct intensive services to students identified as needing this level of support through the MTSS process. Tier 3 is focused support for students who will best benefit from individual support, in addition to Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions. Direct services include indivudal cousneling/coaching and consultation with teachers. 

What are the CASEL Competencies?
Click the link above to learn more! 

What are the Habits of Mind?
Click the link above to learn more!