Torchlighter Times
Welcome to our Townley Torchlighter Family Newsletter.
This is a look at this month including updates, announcements and upcoming events.
News from the Principal, Ms. Clark
Oh the holidays are almost here, but there is so much to do before we slip into our Christmas Vacation.
We have been working hard with the new math, reading and science curriculum. Students have learned new information and grown in academics, but also in personal skills. Being a good citizen, classmate, and teammate are important skills too.
In November, we celebrated kindness week. We are all working to grow future leaders who will excel academically, but also are kind people. Families, we need your help with continuing to model this for your children. We appreciate you taking the time to stop and intentionally talk about how kindness can be shown to others through simple acts.
Families, we also need your help with keeping dismissal running smoothly and safe. If you are walking to pick up your child, please use the crosswalks. It might take a little longer to get to your car or cross the street, but it keeps everyone safe. Again, we want everyone to be alert and focused on the cars and the directions of the adults supporting the crosswalks.
Thank you families for allowing us to be a part of your child's educational journey. We cannot wait to see your child #ShineBrightly this school year.
Our Mission: At Townley, we ensure that all Torchlighters will learn and grow.
Our Vision: Torchlighters will shine brighter one day at a time.
We value: Relationships, Kindness & Gratitude, Empathy, Perseverance & Growth, Respectfulness, Responsibility, and A Positive Learning Environment
Here are a few important reminders:
School hours are 7:45am - 3:15pm. Cafeteria Doors open at 7:15 for all students; other doors open at 7:30 for student arrival.
Fridays are Townley Spirit Day. Students are welcomed to wear Townley t-shirts, college t-shirts or uniform polos and blue jeans. No holes in blue jeans.
Dismissal: Thank you for helping your child learn their car rider number. It is helping us speed up the car line. Please continue to pull up when guided by the staff. Those car riders left at 3:35 will need to be picked up in the front office. If there is a change in how your child is getting home, please reach out the office and your child's teacher no later than noon.
Students will not be released after 2:30. If you are picking up your child from school before 2:30, you will need your ID.
Thank you families for allowing us to be a part of your child's educational journey. We cannot wait to see your child #ShineBrightly this school year.
Upcoming dates and events to note:
Wednesday, Dec. 4- Class Picture Day with uniforms (individual re-takes will be taken with uniform)
Thursday, Dec. 12 - Pre-k music performance 5-6 pm
Saturday, Dec. 14 - PTA event: Cookies with Santa 9 -11am
Friday, Dec. 20- Classroom celebrations
Monday, Dec. 23 - Jan. 6 - Christmas Break- Enjoy time with your family and friends!
Jan. 6- Staff work day, Student Holiday
Jan. 7- Second semester begins!
Seeking Feedback on 2025-2026 Calendar School Start/End Times
Irving ISD is seeking feedback on our proposed school calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. In previous years, there have been multiple calendar options with different Winter Break and Spring Break options. However, in efforts to start school on a Wednesday, provide at least one student holiday/teacher planning day per month, align our Spring Break with Dallas College (where students in our Early Collegiate programs attend) and the way the calendar fell around the Christmas and New Year holidays, multiple options were not possible.
Additionally, to streamline transportation and better serve our campuses and program needs, Irving ISD is proposing two options that change school start and end times.
Irving ISD wants to hear from you about how the proposed calendar and time changes would work for you, your family and our community. Your feedback is essential in helping us identify any potential challenges or considerations we may need to address.
The public comment form is open through Monday, December 9. Comments will be reviewed and considered before final recommendations are made at the Board of Trustees meeting on December 16.
View the proposed calendar/times and provide feedback here.
Anne Clark
Kim Rivera
Assistant Principal- PreK (Sierra & Esparza), Kinder, 2nd, and 4th grade
Allen Edwards
Assistant Principal- PreK (Conley-Johnson, Vasquez & Zarate), 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade
Tips from Mrs. Rivera!
Torchlighters, I know it's going to be an exciting year with all the celebrations we have planned... just to name a few:
Perfect Attendance Parties - where we dance and eat yummy treats!,
Golden Ticket Principal Board - where students place the tickets they earned for excellent behavior to make a Tic-Tac-Toe, then all 12 students get to go to the Prize Closet and pick ANY TOY they want!
Student Celebrations - where every 6 weeks, teachers recognize 5 students who have made gains and show effort in reading, writing, math, science, and "Top Torchlighter Student"(is always Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn.) These students are recognized during lunch and are given backpack Spirit Sticks.
Tips to set your child up for success:
Make sure you are checking your child's HAC(Home Access Center) often to stay informed about your child's grades, attendance, and tardies.
Make appointments after 9:30am so they will not be counted absent, and always bring a doctors note so absences will be excused.
Communicate with your child's teacher often so your child knows you are partners in their education.
Together, we will help your child grow to their fullest potential, build their problem solving skills, and ignite a passion for learning! I look forward to another year where all our Torchlighters will Shine Brightly!
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – WB Yeats
News from Mr. Edwards!
The Importance of Data
Data is how the campus, district, and state evaluates how well the students are learning and growing. Parents, our students in grade 3-5 just finished taking the Fall STAAR Interim Assessment. This was an assessment that gave students a hint at what to expect on the STAAR Assessment and Data for the teachers and district to analyze to see how well the students are grasping the content so far this year. Please keep in mind that the curriculum has changed and the pace moves much quicker than in years past. It is very important that you have your child at school everyday on time and for the whole day. It is not conducive for teachers to always send home the missing work because the student would not have had the chance to get the in class instructions needed to understand the lesson. Please feel free to inquire how your child did on the Reading and Math Fall Interim.
Ways to Keep Your Child Healthy
1. Get adequate sleep.
2. Exercise daily.
3. Reduce screen time.
4. Practice healthy eating habits.
5. Stay up-to-date on immunizations.
6. Wash hands frequently to reduce spread of germs.
7. Help your child deal with stress and anxiety.
"The spring would not be so pleasant as it is if it did not succeed the winter." - Matthew Henry
Save the Date:
December 12th: 5PM-6PM
PTA Meeting/
Student Pre-K Performances
December 14th: 9am -11am
Cookies with Santa
By popular can place an order for a Townely Spirit Shirt.
Forms are available at the front office.
Cafeteria door opens at 7:15. Other doors open at 7:30 am. Students are considered late if they are not in the building at 7:45 and parents will need to walk in and sign them in for the day. They are missing out on valuable class time and activities when they are not present. Be here, everyday, ready and ON TIME!
Please do not "stop" text messages from us or your teacher. You will miss out valuable communication. We try to only send attendance and necessary updates.
If your student is absent, please call the office or email Faith. Only a doctor's notes will be accepted after the third absence in order to be excused.
Faith Gallaga: 972-600-6865
Parent Lunches: Click here for the Parent Sign-Up times. Please make sure you are signing up for your child's specific lunch day and time. Parent Lunches will take place outside at the picnic tables with your student only. Other students cannot be pulled.
Home Access Center (HAC). This is the best way to keep informed with your student's attendance and grades. Progress reports and report cards are only viewable through HAC. Your password was updated with registration, log in often to keep it active.
The third progress report for 2nd-5th will be posted 12/2/24 and reports cards for all 1/10/25.
Please contact the front office for any questions regarding HAC at 972-600-6800.
News from the Nurse
Welcome to Flu Season! If your child is ill, body aches, fever, headaches, coughing, please keep your child home. Do not give your child a fever reducing medicine (Tylenol, Advil, Aleve) and when the fever goes away you send your child to school. Your child is still contagious. So, we ask that you wait 24 hours without a fever reducing medicine AND no fever before you send your child to school.
A couple of reminders: If your child needs medicine, please bring the medicine to the clinic and complete a medication administration form. All medications must be given through the clinic. If you have an over the counter medicine you wish to give your child, per IISD policy, I can give it for five consecutive days after you complete the OTC medication administration form. If you need it indefinitely off and on through the year, as in case of orthodontics, we need a doctor's note stating to have it available for the school year. Do not send medicine with your child to school. An adult must bring the medicine to the clinic.
I am presently updating shot records. If we contact you regarding delinquent immunizations, please have your child receive these as quickly as possible. Whenever you receive a new updated shot record, even if we have not contacted you about a delinquency, please bring me a copy. I wish to keep your child's school immunization record as up to date as possible. If you need financial assistance in obtaining the immunizations, please contact me. The Health Services department is assisting with shots.
I am here for your children. Always feel free to contact me with questions or concerns. 972.600.6808
Lunch Menu for Decmeber *Subject to change due to availability.
Looking to print the lunch menu? Here are step by step directions. View breakfast and lunch menus at
Townley Counselors
Cynthia Blood
Counselor for:
Pre-K ( Sierra, Conley Johnson), Kinder, 2nd and 4th grades
I am looking forward to working with you and your kiddos. Let's make this new school year an exciting and outstanding year!
Yeini Weempe
Counselor for:
Pre-K (Esparza, Zarate), 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grade
It is my goal that this school year be full of successful experiences for all students! I am here to help with any concerns you may have. Feel free to reach out anytime.
We are doing a Toy Drive again this year, so please help us
make this season special for our students.
Promoting Acceptance of Diversity
As a part of growing up, our children encounter new things each day. This means that they will encounter others who may be vastly different than individuals they have been exposed to in their lives. “Teaching young children diversity, equity and inclusion can be challenging, but it is so important to help your children learn how to embrace diversity in a way that is respectful and celebrates different cultures, backgrounds, and experiences” (Kim, Y., 2021). Diversity is the acceptance of differences in individuals and the celebration of each person being unique. When talking about inclusion, that is the focus on not excluding others and making everyone feel welcome.
Some things parents can do to promote acceptance of diversity and inclusion include:
Do not pretend differences don't exist, embrace and acknowledge them
Speak up when bias happens
Have an open discussion without shutting the conversation down; it is okay if you do not know every answer to your child’s question, tell them you need to think about it
Be aware of your own biases
Talk about similarities as well
Teach your child about their family history
Learn about other cultures
Did you know?
The SEL lessons support social awareness and an acceptance of diversity through perspective-taking, the use of empathy, and the acceptance of oneself and others as unique individuals.
Students at Townley Elementary are learning the importance of being respectful, responsible and ready at all times. Encourage your child to tell you about ways they can earn Torch Tickets by displaying the 3 R's at school.
Dear Townley Families,
The holidays are a wonderful time to cozy up with a good book. Our Pre-K students saw a storybook come to life when Momentum Dance Company visited our library to perform scenes from the Nutcracker!
Over the winter break, don't forget that Sora, our digital library, is always open and completely free. To access it, please follow the steps on the flyer below.
Remember . . . BOOKS can take you anywhere!
Happy reading,
Carol Bullman
Instructional Interventionists Info & Tips
Rebecca Rice, Interventionist //
Melissa Hettish, Academic Specialist
5 ways to build math into your child's day:
Bake something together- Ask your child: How many chocolate chips do you think it will take to fill one cup? How many for 1/2 cup? Count together and see how close you came to the right answer!
Measure, count, and record- Ask your child: How far can you throw a ball? Take a guess, then throw the ball as far as you can and measure the distance.
Build something together- How high can you build that stack of Legos? How many Legos do you need to stack to reach as high as the coffee table? Can you make a square? A rectangle? Other shapes? Talk about the shapes of whatever your child has created.
Plan dinner or a party- How many plates, napkins, and forks do you need for dinner? If you’re inviting 10 guests to a party, and the plates come 8 to a pack, how many packs are you going to need? How many are going to be left over? If you’re not planning a party in the near future, get creative. Why not host a tea party for your child’s favorite stuffed animals?
Mix in math to your bedtime reading- Ask your 3 or 4-year old: If you dip 2 apple slices and 3 banana slices into your fondue, how many pieces did you dip? Ask your older child: If there are 2 people sharing cheese fondue and everyone wants 3 apple slices, how many apple slices do you need to serve?
Ms. Rebecca Rice
Ms. Melissa Hettish
Hello Townley Families!
We offer many parenting classes throughout the year at our school or in the District. Please view our newsletter monthly so that you are informed.
If you can kindly complete the Parent Survey by scanning the QR code in the flyer or this link below:
We truly appreciate it!
If you have questions or would like to volunteer at Townley please feel free to contact me, complete a background check.
Click here for Background Check
Lucy Conde - Parent Liaison at 972-600-6800 or by email at
Parent Involvement Day
Thank you Townley Parents for always being involved at our Amazing School! From helping in the Parent Center to School Events.
Our school "Shines Brightly" because of you!!!
Our next ALL PRO DAD IS February 13th.
Dads, Grandpas, Uncles or Father Figure if you can't make it to our ALL PRO DAD event but want to make a difference, join us on a Friday morning to greet in students at our entrance doors from
7:25am to 7:45am
Thank you
Mr. Cabello, Mr. Ulloa, Mr.Rie, and Mr. Velasquez
Kicking Off
High Five Fridays!!!
Parent Classes and Events