Drawing or journaling

Why should it be done?

  • Help students navigate anxiety

  • Allows students to express their feelings

  • Helps get past egos, defenses, over-thinking, and analyzing to help identify internal feelings, strengths and resources

  • Gives students and opportunity to release their feelings in a constructive and creative manner

When should it be done?

  • When students are feeling frustrated

  • When students are feeling anxious or are struggling with their emotions

  • When a student is beginning to have behavior problems that typically lead to a classroom disruption.

When should it be done?

  • Provide set guidelines for the student to understand when and where they may do this

  • You may choose to provide a non-verbal signal to help the student indicate that they are needing a moment to draw and release their feelings

  • Speak with the student to ensure they understand that drawings must be school appropriate and cannot contain weapons or violence

  • Give the student an opportunity during the day to explain their drawings and their feelings behind it to help them learn how to better cope with their feelings

  • Praise the student for using coping skills to help address their feelings and behavior