Home Study

Home Study

New Resources Available:

TumbleBooks: https://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/auto_login.aspx?U=tumble735&P=books

Username: tumble735

Password: books

TumbleMath: https://www.tumblemath.com/autologin.aspx?U=tumble2020&P=A3b5c6

Username: tumble2020

Password: A3b5c6

North Country Library System: https://web.ncls.org/page/learning-home

Students can access a Digital Library Card to access ebooks at home from the North Country Library System

All of the websites that we use within the classroom are available for your child through their Warrior Net account and these can be used as additional resources that your child can use to review and retain skills during this extended emergency closing. In addition, there are some companies that are offering free website access throughout the next few weeks that are listed below, these can also be used to help your child review and retain skills:

Scholastic News: www.scholastic.com/learnathome

Free art lessons: https://shannonwalteract.com/home/project-swa

Glactic Phonics: http://www.galacticphonics.com/

Virtual Field Trips: https://kids.sandiegozoo.org/


